Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Real flashpoints: Palestine & Kashmir

Real flashpoints: Palestine & Kashmir

Mohammad Jamil

The world is in turmoil due to unresolved issues of Palestinian state and Kashmir. And unless these issues are resolved on the basis of justice vis-à-vis implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolutions, the threat of wars will continue looming large. Renowned philosopher Bertrand Russel in his essay ‘The Future of Mankind’ had mentioned three possibilities: “1) The end of human life, perhaps of all life on our planet; 2) A reversion to barbarism after a catastrophic diminution of the population of the globe, 3) A unification of the world under a single government possessing a monopoly of all the major weapons of war”. The philosopher was hopeful that the US will acquire that status of having monopoly of major weapons of war, which is not possible in the presence of about a dozen known and not known nuclear states with credible delivery system. And it would be puerile nonsense to assume that Russia, China and others would destroy their nukes so that the US keeps the monopoly.

Of course, the US was successful in defeating the former Soviet Union through proxy war but in case of a declared war the first two possibilities mentioned above could surely be realized. Anyhow, being the sole super power, the US has certain responsibilities and the foremost is to help the weak countries against threats to their survival by the strong and mighty. But the US did not assume that role and instead was helping usurpers and lending unqualified support to Israel, which had usurped Arab lands, and was showing utter disregard to the United Nations Security Council resolutions. India has also the history of intransigence and is not willing to implement United Nations Security Council resolutions giving the Kashmiris the right to join Pakistan or India through a plebiscite to be held under the aegis of the UN. It is indeed encouraging to note that Obama administration has tried to persuade India to start the stalled composite dialogue with Pakistan. And admitting that to win the war on terror Pakistan’s role is crucial.

President Obama in his address at Cairo in the first week of June had given soothing effect to Iran by acknowledging Iran’s right to develop nuclear technology for peaceful purposes. His remarks about negotiations with Iran without preconditions and considering Hamas as a legitimate organization that represents part of Palestinian society were music to the ears. He talked about Palestinian sufferings adding that security not only for Israelis but also for Palestinians, and categorically declared that all the settlements are illegal. Such gestures had given a new hope to the world. Arab countries had radiated an aura of optimism when Israel’s opposition leader Tzipi Livni warned that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s reluctance to declare support for a two-state solution may cause the United States to withdraw its support for Israel.

Vice President Joe Biden has drawn flak for his remarks that US cannot dictate to another sovereign nation (Israel) what they can and cannot do. Newspapers had construed it as giving a carte blanch to Israel to go ahead with its pernicious designs not only to continue perpetrating atrocities on Palestinians but also to take on Iran. The Obama administration has tried to dispel the impression that it is giving Israel the green light to attack Iran. President Obama, when he was in Moscow, issued a statement that Joe Biden had simply meant that such a course would have serious consequences. No sensible person would think of opening another theatre of war when the US is already mired in Iraq and Afghanistan. To get out of Iraq is of course a smart move, but Afghanistan’s terrain and the militancy there is much more difficult than Iraq, and there cannot be an honourable exit without Pakistan’s cooperation and support.

Many politicians, leaders of the public opinion and analysts were against Pakistan’s becoming the frontline state, and considered all the malaises and woes of Pakistan due to joining the Afghan war. That point besides, the fact remains that the coalition had achieved its objectives against the USSR though India was in the opposite camp. Even now India’s involvement is unnecessary because it has neither border with Afghanistan nor Indians can influence the extremists who have always been opposed to yahood-o-hanood. Secondly, India has its own axe to grind and would like to advance its own agenda and creating fissures among the people by taking sides with the members of the Northern Alliance and Pushtuns instead of helping to fight terrorists. Of course, the US leadership has to decide if its objective is to eradicate terrorism or to give overwhelming support to India in becoming the regional policeman, regional power and for that matter a world power.

The US administration should ponder over the fact that the US could bring some normalcy in Iraq only because a minority (Bathists) was ruling the majority (Shiites) for centuries. The US used the historical contradictions by further stoking the tension and playing one sect against another. And ultimately made separate deals with Sunnis and Shiites. In Afghanistan though President Hamid Karzai is a Pushtun but he is surrounded by members of minority communities (Tajiks and Hazaras) who are enjoying power whereas the majority (Pushtuns) have been denied the due share in the affairs of the country. And unless that arrangement is reversed, the US despite putting more boots on ground cannot control the situation in Afghanistan.

The US is paying a very high cost of war in Afghanistan. The US army psychologists have concluded that 30 % of US troops of 3rd deployments are mental wrecks. The war in Afghanistan that costs US taxpayers $3 trillion is now seen as an instrument to enrich the munitions manufacturers and the security top-notches.

It is true that the US has global interests but those interests can be protected by making friends and not foes. But Bush’s flawed policy of implanting democracy in Middle East, using military to topple unfriendly regimes and replace them with the friendly ones, proved a complete disaster and made many enemies in the world. Today, America is in deep trouble in the Middle East, in South Asia and elsewhere, and it has become difficult for military-industrial-corporate complex to fund the war theatres opened by former president George Bush. The latter was also responsible for entering into a dangerous US-India nuclear deal whereby India got the privileges of a nuclear-weapons state without responsibilities that go along with it. By doing so, America is not on moral high ground to pressurize Iran, North Korea or for that matter Pakistan to abandon expansion of nuclear capabilities.

The moot question remains unanswered whether any country has the right to invade and occupy the other’s land? What is the legal position of Palestinian lands - Gaza Strip and the West Bank when the UN charter does not allow such occupation? However, there is ambiguity and contradictions in the statements of members of Obama administration, which creates doubts about Obama’s capability to rein in neocons and warmongers. But Obama’s style of politics is different than his predecessor George W Bush who was arrogant, stubborn and in his own words that he was a war president, whereas President Obama is open to discussions and willing to talk to what the US had dubbed the ‘axis of evil’. Of course, it is an uphill task to deal with the complicated situation such as in Middle East and South Asia, but there is definitely difference in the way Bush handled the situation and the way Obama is trying to resolve the issues.

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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Dimensions of Poverty in India

Dimensions of Poverty in India
Sajjad Shaukat

Sociologists and economists have continuously been focusing on poverty as one of the major problems in the Third World. Poverty reflects a condition in which an individual fails to maintain a living standard sufficient for his physical and mental existence. Renowned economist, Adam Smith remarks, “Man is rich or poor according to the degree in which he can afford to enjoy the necessities, the conveniences and the amusements of human life.”

Although India has rapidly been making progress in modern technologies-especially arms and ammunition with the help of the US-led western countries, yet it has the world’s largest number of poor people. According to a report, “of its more than 1 billion inhabitants, nearly 260.3 million are below the poverty line, of which 193.2 million are in the rural areas and 67.1 million are in urban areas. More than 75% of poor people reside in villages. Poverty level is not uniform across India. It is below 10% in states like Delhi, Goa, and Punjab etc. whereas it is below 50% in Bihar 43% and in Orissa 47%. It is between 30-40% in Northeastern states of Assam, Tripura, and Mehgalaya and in Southern states of Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh.”

There are great socio-economic disparities between urban and rural regions of India. People of rural areas are forced to move out of villages to seek some subsistence living in the cities. In this process, they even lose some little saving what they had in their native villages. In the cities, they have to live without food and other basic amenities. Thus they are compelled to adopt the profession of begging in the urban areas.

It is misfortune of India that a select few families have good standards of living, one can compare to the richest in the world, but the majority cannot get two meals a day.

Dimensions of rural and urban poverty in India are manifold such as lack of facilities or poor arrangement in the fields of heath, education, sanitation, nutrition etc. including low income. The overdependence on monsoon with non-availability of irrigational facilities often results in crop-failure and low agricultural productivity, forcing farmers in the vicious circle of debt-traps. In most of villages, people do not have clean-drinking water.

According to an Indian study, “our economic development since Independence has been lopsided. There has been increase in unemployment, creating poverty. Population is growing at an alarming rate. The size of the Indian family is relatively bigger averaging at 4.2.The other causes include dominance of caste system which forces the individual to stick to the traditional and hereditary occupations.”

Although the matter is worse in the rural areas, yet in urban regions, the principle of minimum wage for maximum work binds the workers and manual labour to a system which results into a number of social and economic perplexities for the people. The poor are compelled to accept very low wages as they have no other option.
It is notable that about 100 infants in Madhya Pradesh’s tribal districts of Satna and Khandwa have been reported in 2008, aggravated by malnutrition and hunger. More than 60% of children are malnourished according to the official National Health Survey. Although the government officials attribute the deaths to disease and not starvation, but in fact, lack of food evidently played a role in hastening their deaths.

Public health system in India suffers from many problems which include insufficient funding and shortage of facilities.

Indian Planning Commission has admitted in its report that the “country has a shortfall of six lakh doctors, 10 lakh nurses and two lakh dental surgeons. This has led to a dismal patient-doctor ratio in the country. For every 10,000 Indians, there is just one doctor.” In this regard, in the recent past, the much publicized National Urban Health Mission aimed at providing accessible, affordable and effective basic health care facilities especially to the urban poor badly failed in its objectives.

India has been facing multiple health problems like, hair lice, headache, painful menstruation, dental problems and short sight etc. Owing to these problems, Psychological dilemma also arises like emotional disturbances and depression.

Particularly, emotional abuse is due to the neglect and maltreatment of children and women. It involves a disregard of the physical, emotional, moral and social requirements of the children and women. Besides these, there are social abuses of children like kidnapping and forcing them to beg in streets including murder. According to National Crime Records Bureau, “crimes against children have increased by 3.8% nationally-14,975 cases in 2005 from 14,423 in 2004.” And latest estimate shows 10% percent increase in these crimes.

As regards poor arrangement of education, A Pratham survey report indicated decline in number of out-of–school children in India. In most of the cases, teachers do not take interest in teaching due to lower wages which bring about a number of problems for them. Even in major Indian cities, teachers are found absent from the class rooms. In Bihar, two of every five teachers were reported absent, while the figure in UP was reported to be one-third of the total teachers.

Especially, women are suffering in India. UNICEF released the State of World’s Children Report-2009 with some shocking findings regarding maternal mortality status in India. Avoidable complications during child birth are killing 78,000 women in India every year. One woman dies from complications of pregnancy and childbirth every seven minutes. One million children born in India are dying every year.

Another dimension of Indian poverty is that working women have to face a number of problems just by virtue of their being women. In this regard, Indian women face a multi-faceted dilemma which emanates from a gender-biased society of the country. As regards ladies, injustice of unequal salaries and wages for the same job—adductions and rapes are very common in the country. Recently, there have been several cases of sexual harassment involving even the senior women officials, working in civil and military establishments. The psychological pressure of all this easily leads to a woman to quit her job, making her vulnerable to crime or suicide. Divorce is very common dilemma of the Indian woman. In recent years many married couples in India are walking away from their marriages. Court data from crime record bureau reveals that over the past decade, divorce rates have doubled and in some cities even trebled.

Sometimes, this deteriorating situation has compelled Indian women to take relief through alcohol and smoking. In this respect, the third edition of the Tobacco Atlas released in Dublin by the American Cancer Society and World Lung Foundation points out, “more women in India are turning smokers and oral users of tobacco. India has the third highest number of female tobacco users in the world.”

So far as crimes are concerned, even foreigners are not spared. Theft, robbery and rape which have become routine matter in India have also been conducted against the western nationals form time to time.

One of the horrible dimensions of poverty in India is that the total number of HIV/AIDS infections in 2007 was 33 million-the highest ever, which is rapidly increasing as disclosed by a UN report.

However, there are several laws in India so as to control various anti-social activities and crimes, but the same has failed due to their non-implementation.

Similarly from time to time a number of plans and schemes have been launched by the Indian subsequent governments to improve the poor standard of living by ensuring food security, promoting self-employment, increasing wage employment and improving access to basic social services including raising the status of women, but all these proved unsuccessful owing to ineffective implementation coupled with high corruption among the officials. In this connection, even five years plans of New Delhi could not be utlilised fully owing to the corrupt government officers.

All this gives rise to a feeling of discrepancy in a multi-cultural society of India. Directly or indirectly, acute poverty in the country has resulted into ethnic riots, movement of separations and violence of various forms—social strife, economic crisis and political instability under the so-called democracy of India.

It is owing to these reasons which have placed India at the lowest rank in the human development index. The Indian state has undoubtedly failed in its responsibilities towards its citizens over the last 60 years.


Downside of more Indian Nuclear tests

Downside of more Indian Nuclear tests
Sultan M Hali
There is a sudden flurry of revelations by Indian scientists that its 1998 thermonuclear tests were a failure and India needs to carry out more tests. Such revelations are not a flash in the pan but there is definite method in the madness that Indian nuclear scientists are trying to bully their government into testing a nuclear weapon. It has been deducted that such a folly would have far reaching effects. It would be a huge setback for India‘s relations with Washington, for the battle against terrorists, and for global efforts to halt the spread of nuclear weapons. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is resisting so far and he must continue to resist in the best interests of India and the world.

If India tests, the United States is bound by a 2008 agreement to cut off all sales of nuclear fuel and technology. That would be a huge setback to India’s plans to expand its nuclear power generation and its economy. It is feared that if India tests, Pakistan may follow suit. That would raise tensions between the two longtime rivals, and it would further distract Islamabad and its Armed Forces from the raging battle against the Taliban and other extremists inside Pakistan and along its border with Afghanistan. US Congress recently approved a five-year, $7.5 billion aid package to strengthen civilian rule in Pakistan and encourage the fight against extremists. The bill has a number of encumbrances where the US State Department has to certify deliverables on the part of Pakistan, There would be strong pressure to cut that aid if Pakistan tested. In case India and Pakistan test (China also may be unable to resist), it could make it even harder for President Obama to persuade the US Senate to ratify the test ban treaty, which he has painstakingly reinstated last month.

India (followed by Pakistan) last conducted nuclear tests in 1998. The earlier notice by India to test again has been received with mixed feelings in the Indian media as well as the scientific community. In recent weeks, the debate took on a new urgency when some a top nuclear scientists made the case public. K. Santhanam, a director for the 1998 test-site preparations, claimed those tests did not yield the desired results and were a fizzle. One has to wonder why he waited 11 years to raise the alarm. It is suspected that Mr. Santhanam and his colleagues are worried that if Washington finally ratifies the treaty, India may feel compelled to sign on. The treaty’s appeal is undeniable. Some 182 nations have signed it and 150 have ratified it. It limits the ability of nuclear states to field fancier warheads and makes it harder for nuclear wannabes to develop weapons. But it cannot enter into force until nine key states including the United States, China and India also ratify. Mr. Obama has pledged to work for Senate ratification and urged all other holdouts to do so. So far, New Delhi does not seem to be taking Mr. Santhanam’s bait. India does not need to carry any more nuclear tests, the Indian Atomic Energy Commission chairman, Anil Kakodkar, said last month. He insisted that his agency has confidence in its ability to get the weapons data it needs by conducting simulated tests. He should keep insisting. The United States should make it clear that India has more to gain by focusing on economic growth and expanding global cooperation than on developing more nuclear weapons. And it should leave no doubt about how much India and the rest of the world has to lose if New Delhi makes the wrong choice.

While this shadow boxing continues, details of Indian nuclear proliferation continue to accumulate, which the world in general and USA in particular remain oblivious of. India’s nuclear assets are far from being safe as Hindu fundamentalists are too rigid to realize the norms of civilized world. They are power hungry and can go to any extent to achieve their objectives. A number of freedom movements are a constant source of trouble in India. Similarly Hindu extremists running their own bomb factories may try to grab Indian nukes. There is a lack of information about security lapses / accidents which took place in Indian nuclear program as compared to other nuclear states. We need to expose the vulnerabilities of Indian nuclear assets. Following aspects explain the extent to which Indian nuclear assets are poorly safeguarded:

Indian Atomic Energy Regulatory Board has documented more than 130 extremely serious safety issues in the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC); Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research; Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited; Uranium Corporation of India Limited: Indian Rare Earths Limited; Nuclear Fuel Complex (NFC), and Heavy Water Board. Cirus, 40 MW has a history of developing radiation leaks. Candu reactors are suffering from massive leakage of heavy water. Waste tanks at BARC habitually develop major leaks. Dhruva suffers from design problems, fuel leakages. The Fast Breeder Test Reactor of 40 MW at Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam, built with French assistance, was rated ‘not safe’, and discarded. Similar reactors, like Super Phoenix of France and Monju of Japan, were also discarded because of safety hazards. Incidents of leakage took place in Madras Atomic Power Station (MAPS) in 1986, 1988 and 1991. Rajasthan Atomic Power Plant, Narora, Kakrapar, Gujarat, Tarapur, Maharashtra, Russian VVER Light Water Reactor and NFC Hyderabad developed safety problems.

It is a misconception that India has a clean proliferation record and hence deserves to be supplied with nuclear material / technology. Following aspects merit cognizance: US based Safe Energy Communication Council has described the Indian nuclear program as the least efficient and most dangerous in the world. US Congressman Ed Markey, noted that India is not successfully guarding its nuclear facilities. Mr. R.K.Yadav a former employee of RAW, filed a case against 19 senior officials of RAW for leaking sensitive information. The mysterious death of Indian nuclear scientist has given rise to profound doubts about the loopholes in Indian nuclear programme. Important nuclear installations and research centers such as Bhabha Atomic Research Centre and a number of other nuclear plants and uranium conversion facilities are not part of IAEA safeguards and are also not protected effectively.

Monday, March 29, 2010

US Admits Indian Designs in Afghanistan

US Admits Indian Designs in Afghanistan

By Sajjad Shaukat

On September 20, this year, American General Stanley McChrystal who is in charge of the war against the Taliban militants in Afghanistan admitted in Commander’s Initial Assessment on the Afghan war saying: Indian political and economic influence is increasing in Afghanistan including significant development efforts and financial investment is likely to exacerbate regional tensions.

It is notable that Pakistan’s civil and military high officials have been repeatedly pointing out Indian sinister designs in Afghanistan. In this regard, on April 23, 2009 in the in-camera sitting of the Senate, Pakistan’s Federal Minister, Rehman Malik displayed documentary evidence of Indian use of Afghanistan to create unrest in FATA and Balochistan. In the recent past, NWFP Governor Awais Ghani, and our Foreign Minister Shah Memood Quereshi had also endorsed Indian incursion in Pakistan.

In this regard, on July 18, after meeting the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on the sidelines of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) summit at Sharm el-Sheikh, Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani stated that during the talks, he had also raised the issue of Indian interference in Balochistan.

During intermittent press briefings in connection with the ongoing military operations, ISPR spokesman, Maj-Gen. Athar Abbas has also disclosed Indian infiltration from Afghanistan by remarking that foreign spies along with huge cache of arms, made of Indian origin were captured.

In fact, in guise of fighting Talibanization of Afghanistan, Indian army in collaboration with its secret agency, RAW has established its networks in Afghanistan. New Delhi has spent millions of dollars in Afghanistan to strengthen its grip on the country. It has not only increased its military troops there, but has also decided to set up cantonments. India has been running secret operations against Pakistan from its consulates in Mazar-i-Sharif, Jalalabad, Kandhar and other sensitive parts of the Pak-Afghan border. In this respect, Indian RAW has been continously sending its armed agents in Swat and tribal regions including other places of our country. Posing themselves as Pakistani Taliban, they have conducted a number of suicide attacks in Islamabad and other cities of our country.

It is of particular attention that majority of Afghan refugees who have not returned to their country are involved in criminal activities in Pakistan after getting training from Indian secret camps, located in Afghanistan. Despite Pakistan’s successful military operations which have broken the command and control system of the Taliban militants, pocket resistance and some subversive acts still continues in our country because India is still backing the same from Afghanistan. RAW’s agents with dollars in their pockets are not only trying to create a rift between our armed forces and the people of other provinces, but are also tarnishing the image of the peace-loving Pathans.

Besides, New Delhi has intensified support to the separatists of Balochistan where situation has deteriorated since April 8 this year after the death of three Baloch nationalist leaders who were assassinated through RAW’s well-trained agents, entered the province from Afghanistan have been conducting multiple subversive acts like targeted killings, attacks on buildings, oil pipelines etc. Recently, one more minister has been murdered in Balochistan. However, these secret agents not only get arms and ammunition from Indian military installations of Afghanistan, but also instructions in order to incite the general masses to oppose country’s federation through Baloch feudal lords (Sardars). Notably, Akbar Bugti’s, grandson, Brahmdagh Bugti with the full backing of RAW has been operating against Pakistan from Kabul. On July 23, 2008, in an interview with the BBC, Brahmdagh Bugti, remarked that they had the right to accept foreign aid and arms from anywhere including India.

There are also Indian political experts in Afghanistan, who guide RAW as to how weaken the federation of Pakistan. For example, another purpose of subversive activities in Balochistan is to gain the sympathies of general masses for Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) which has been fighting for secession of the province.

Nevertheless, there are also a number of secret Mudrassahs in Afghanistan where so-called religious scholars from India are engaged in indoctrination of children, thus producing highly-motivated suicide bombers which are being sent to various areas of Pakistan. Recently our security forces have captured a number of youngsters who told as to how their minds were moulded to commit suicide.

It is of particular attention that the puppet regeme of Hamid Karzai allowed New Delhi in using the Border Roads Organisation in constructing the ring roads by employing Indo-Tibeten police force under the pretext of security. In the recent past, some Indian diplomats have also suggested to engage India in Af-Pak strategy.

Nevertheless, with the help of some external intelligence agencies, especially Israeli Mossad, Indian spies of Afghanistan have also been working against the cordial relationship of Pakistan with China and Iran. In the past few years, abduction and killing of many Chinese and Iranian nationals in Pakistan might be cited as an example. In that context, on April 18, 2008, Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi openly revealed, some external forces are trying to weaken China-Pakistan strategic ties By creating misunderstandings.

Recently, when more than 180 persons died in ethnic riots occurred in Urumqi, the capital of China’s Xinjiang province-the largely populated region of the Muslims, India with the help of its western lobbies and media blamed Pakistani militants for supporting the insurgency so as to deteriorate Sino-Pak ties. In fact, last year, New Delhi which has given shelter to the Tibetan spiritual leader, Dalai Lama and his militants had played a key role in supporting upsurge in the Tibetan areas of China. As a matter of fact, these insurgents are also being sent to Xinjiang province of China from Indian training camps of Afghanistan.

It is mentionable that Baluchistan’s ideal geo-strategic location with Gwadar seaport could prove to be Pakistan’s key junction, connecting rest of the world with Central Asia. It is due to strategic benefits that the US which signed a nuclear deal with India last year, intends to control Balochistan as an independent state in containing China and subduing Iran. Owing to these reasons, America and India are creating instability in Pakistan by backing Baloch separatists. For these and some other sinister designs, by increasing its hold, especially New Delhi intends to increase its strategic depth by having a permanent control on Afghanistan.

It is noteworthy that the US-led some western countries have been apprehending due to the Indo-Israeli strong lobbies that a plot to attack American homeland and Europe can be prepared in Pakistan’s tribal areas which have become safe-havens of Al Qaeda. So in order to manipulate the situation, Indian RAW has been planning to train the white citizens of the west in Afghanistan to conduct another 9/11 type catastrophe in the United States with a view to implicating Pakistan.

Western public is already biased against Pakistan owing to failure of their governments against war on terror in Afghanistan. In this context, some reports suggest that Indian RAW has decided to avail this golden opportunity by obtaining weapons of mass destruction secretly, and using them in the US and Europe including their employment against the NATO forces in Afghanistan. RAW’s sole aim is to provocate Americans against Pakistan which is the only Islamic nuclear country, threatening Indian hegemony in the region. Thus RAW could create a dangerous misunderstanding in which US could also use small atomic weapons in Afghanistan and our tribal areas. And Pakistan could also be asked to rollback its nuclear programme.

As regards Indian nefarious designs in Afghanistan, even Indian Defence Review of Jan-Mar 2009 has suggested the disintegration of Pakistan. The Review pointed out that for New Delhi, this opens a window of opportunity to ensure that the Gwadar port does not fall into the hand of China. Afghanistan will gain stability India’s access to Central Asian energy routes will open up.
Although since its creation, RAW has been advancing Indian hegemonistic goals in Asia through its clandestine agents who have their presence in almost all regional countries like Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Myanmar etc, and are acting upon various tactics of psychological warfare, yet owing to its tentacles in Afghanistan, the country has become the centre of regional plots, particularly directed against Pakistan, China and Iran.

Nonetheless, American general Stanley McChrystal who, himself, is observing the situation in wake of ground realties is quite right through his realistic approach by indicating that Indian political and economic influence is increasing in Afghanistan which is likely to exacerbate regional tensions. Now, Indian designs in Afghanistan have been confirmed.

Sajjad Shaukat is writes on international affairs and is author of the book: US vs Islamic Militants, Invisible Balance of Power: Dangerous Shift in International Relations.


Friday, March 26, 2010

Foreign Involvement in Pak Balochistan

Foreign Involvement in Pak Balochistan
Zaheerul Hassan

Balochistan is located on the northern lip of straits of Hormuz through which much of the world’s oil supply passes. Balochistan is God gifted rich in natural resources itself with an estimated 19 trillion cubic feet of natural gas reserves and 6 trillion barrels of oil reserves. Therefore, many nations including USA, Russia and India see Balochistan as a strategically important zone of influence.

Enriched with natural resources Balochistan area wise is one of the largest province of Pakistan and remained part of united India till partition of 1947. The British normally used this region as staging ground for invaders during various Afghan - British War. The 1876 treaty between the Khan of Kalat and Robert Sandeman accepted the independence of the Kalat as an allied state with British military outposts in the region. However in 1878 Afghan War, the British rule established in Balochistan. At that time the provincial entity was included on the municipality of Quetta? Kalat, Makran and Lasbella. The lords (Sardars) of the province became the part and parcel of the English government and situation remained as it was till 1947. The tribal lords (sardars) used to get state compensation on the name of poor population of the province. Anyhow, after partition of India in 1947, Muslim majority states like, Bahawalpur, Swat, Kashmir and Kalat willingly announced their annexation with Pakistan.

Thus, the above narrated facts proved that Balochistan never been an independent region of South Asia after 1840 and very much remained under the jurisdiction of English government at the time of partition. It is further added here that divisions of Kalat, Makran Quetta and Lasbella have become integral part of Pakistan as per partition plan. However Baglar Begi Khan haphazardly declared the independence of Kalat on August 15, 1947. He assured the neo-state of Pakistan that Kalat will participate in the defense and infrastructure but will be autonomous. I want to highlight here that declaration of independent Balochistan by Khan of Kalat have never been well received by the population of Makran, Quettat, Lasbella and even Kalati people. Pakistani army entered the region to occupy the area immediately. On Mar 27, 1948, the Khan of Kalat gave in to the State of Pakistan. His brother Abdul Karim Baloch refused to surrender and revolted until his arrest in 1950. Balochistan was put under Governor General control and no elective body formed in Balochistan until 1973.

The lords (sardar) have never ever taken interest in the development of Balochistan despite taking control of the governments. In various era Bugti, Mengal, Murree and others prominent Baloch lords ruled the province but no progress have been noticed towards the improvement of the life of common man. So called Baloch lords only used to make money on the name of various development projects. In this context, most of federal and provincial governments of the past were also responsible since they never checked that whether deputed lords have expended the allotted funds on the development projects or not.

The lords of Balochistan always made negative propaganda against the armed forces on their masters’ direction rather than establishing educational institutes, extending health and other welfare facilities. They started arms struggle in 1950, which remained underground till 1973. Late Prime Minister Z.A. Bhutto announced the end of Lord System in Balochistan. But the termination of lord system was against the wishes of the Baloch lords, thus they started arms struggle in the province. Anyhow, the same rebellion movement was suppressed forcefully by the government. It is also mentionable here that India always supported rebellion elements of Balochistan finically, physically and through provision of weapons.

US also ticked Balochistan as a vital target of her covert strategy of getting control of Asia. After 9/11 she got chance to enter into the region for obtaining access in central Asian region, encircling Iran, containing China and restricting Pakistan from developing her strategically vital Port Gwadar . India is using Afghan soil for training and launching pad of anti Pakistan elements. Sardar Akbar Bugti instead taking care of his poor people have also chosen the illegal approach in the name of independent Balochistan. But found dead because of the collapse of the cave. The cave was being used by him as hide out during arm struggle against armed forces, Punjabis, government elements and innocent local opponents.

According to reliable sources Indian and U.S authorities have speeded up their plan of destabilization, disintegration of Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan. Afghani leaders are supporting India and U.S plan because of their puppet status. Afghan leaders should know that U.S and plan is to establish Greater Balochistan. Uncovered Indian subversive activities against Pakistan and Iran are being executed from Afghan territory. Afghan leadership, if serious to their masses should take measures to stop foreign elements to use their soil against regional countries. On the other hand Iran should realize that she has a large Baloch population on its side of border with Pakistan and the Indian desire of weakening Pakistan by creating independent Balochistan will cost heavy to Iran itself as the map of Greater Balochistan includes Sistan province as well. Similarly Afghan area connected to Pakistani border would also be part of Greater Balochistan.

US and India joint ventured is aiming at (1) supporting rebels Baloch leaders for storming terrorism in Pakistan (2) Incorporating Iranian and Afghanis’ Baloch areas in purposed Greater Balochistan, (3) Declaring Pakhtune region as Al-Qaida dominated areas and targeting Gas pipeline.

Recently ,some Baloch leaders ( Dr Wahid Baloch, Munir Mengal and Dr. Juma Khan, Khan of Kalat attended closed door meeting with Institute of Defence Studies and Analysis (IDSA) and organized a seminar “Balochistan is a problem in Pakistan” . The meeting was headed by Vikran Sood, ex Sectary RAW and General (R) VP Malik, ex Indian COAS, high officials and senior journalists. The Baloch leaders have spoken bluntly against Pakistan and ISI. They have alleged ISI and armed forces for killing of Baloch leaders like Akbar Khan Bugti. The leaders in their speeches also asked Indian authorities to provide finical assistance, arms supplying, media and moral supports to go for establishing a greater Balochistan. The Baloch leaders tried to depict Queta as Pashtune dominated areas and a nerve centre of Al-Qaeda. The leaders also revealed that China is going to establish a Naval Base at Gwadar. The gas pipeline project and area of Iran and Afghanistan for grater Balochistan have also came under discussion during the meeting. The Baloch leaders claimed that Pakistan has paid two millions dollars to rescue Dr.Afia Siddiqui, They called her as Al-Qaida operative and terrorist who intends killing NATO forces and Afghanistan.

They also met Indian Deputy Foreign Minister who assured New Delhi full support to Baloch so called leaders. The leaders have been asked to speed up their struggle for Greater Balochistan. Munir Mengal also been guaranteed that 12-13 European countries will be able to openly recognized independent Balochistan Government. The Baloch leaders were paid US $ 25000/ dollars each after the meeting.

It is also reported that USA is also providing her tacit support to Indian in causing unrest in Balochistan. In this context On November 21, 2009 Balochistan International Conference has been organized by the American Friends of Balochistan (AFB) at National Press club Washington DC, USA. Selig S Harrison (Dir Centre for International Policy), Andrew Evia, Wendy Johnson , Annie Wocenti, Hyrbyair Marri, Mehran Baloch, Ahmed Masti Khan , Munir Mengal, Air Armanda, Professor Neale Baloch Quadric (closed confident of Barmmadagh Bugti) were the speakers and participants of conference . They spread poisoned propaganda against Pakistan and Iran too. The conference declared Pakistan as an occupant country and also asked Islamabad to dismantle her nuclear arsenals. Israel has also started transferred her expertise in guerrilla warfare to Baloch rebels. According to media reports Triple III Agency have been tasked to implanting troika strategy of storming and creating unrest in Pakistan. The agency probably has also hired the services of Black Water (a notorious branch of CIA) to target prominent leadership of Pakistan and Iran. The government should implement development strategy through already approved Balochistan Package. The matter of foreign interference especially Indian involvement should be discussed in forthcoming Indo-Pak Sectary level talks. Washington should be told to stop intrigues against her main ally of war on terror.

New face of Talibanisation

New face of Talibanisation
By Faizullah Jan

AS the state machinery took its time before launching the operation in Waziristan, the Taliban outflanked it by launching an offensive of their own, bringing the war to the heartland of the country.

After taking on GHQ, the proverbial nerve centre, they have shown a change in the tactics of terror: the militants’ attacks have now metamorphosed into a full-blown urban war.

The brazen attack on GHQ, which was quickly followed by three synchronised raids on security establishments in Lahore, is a change in the tactics of the Taliban. Until recently they would attack military convoys with improvised devices or their frenzied cadres would blow themselves up near a target or in a crowd. Now they have descended from the hills of Waziristan (as the common understanding goes) to extend the theatre of war. It will divide the focus of the armed forces and put many people’s lives at risk.

The day GHQ was attacked two words seemed to stick out in the local and international media: brazen and audacious. But there is more to it than merely an attack by the Taliban who have challenged the writ of the state everywhere and at will. No less than six terrorist attacks in Punjab — one targeting the visiting Sri Lankan cricket team in Lahore, another the Manawan police academy, the GHQ assault in Rawalpindi and three synchronised attacks against security establishments, including Manawan once more, in Lahore — bear the hallmark of militants other than the Taliban of Waziristan.

According to the New York Times, these attacks showed the deepening reach of the militant network, as well as its rising sophistication and inside knowledge of the security forces. These attacks are enough to jolt the country’s establishment out of its belief that nothing is brewing in the backyard of Punjab. The sophisticated attacks across the Indus highlight a stark reality: the phenomenon of the Taliban is not ethnic, but a national one. The most alarming aspect of this saga is that militants belonging to sectarian terror outfits have been in the forefront of these attacks.

The mastermind of the GHQ attack, Aqeel, has been associated with Lashkar-i-Jhangvi — a sectarian terror group active in Punjab since long. He was also allegedly involved in the terrorist attack on the Sri Lankan cricket team. It shows how dangerously these sectarian groups have, over the years, transformed into a force capable of taking on the state.

The southern part of Punjab shares many things with the tribal areas of the NWFP. If the century-old Frontier Crimes Regulation had imposed maliks on the common tribesmen for their control and exploitation, feudalism has sucked the life out of the common Punjabi. Exploitation and alienation is on the same level in Fata and southern Punjab, which gives common cause to the Taliban and the sectarian groups to team up against an identical enemy — the FCR in the tribal areas and feudalism in Punjab.

Things went awry when the state started patronising such organisations, which played on the inherent contradictions in society. The state wanted to privatise Kashmir and the Afghan war, but little did it know that one day the militants could turn their guns on it. The whole of the NWFP in general and Peshawar in particular had been the staging post for the so-called Afghan jihad for no less than 10 years, which is enough time to contaminate the local cultural and religious ethos. Besides, given poor economic indicators, state patronage of militancy and its long porous border with Afghanistan, the NWFP was bound to be the breeding ground for obscurantist forces like the Taliban.

When inculcating ‘jihad’ became the state policy during Gen Ziaul Haq’s dark rule and ‘jihad fi sabeelillah’ became the motto of the armed forces, the first seed of Talibanisation was sown. Genuine political leadership was banished from the country while political activity was stifled. The vacuum was then filled by sectarian and linguistic groups which left the social fabric in tatters. People started seeking identity in narrow ‘ideologies’ in the absence of national parties that could give representation to everyone.

Public display of ostentatious religiosity became the norm with small militant outfits becoming an extension of the state’s foreign policy, while mainstream leaders — including nationalists — were branded as traitors, corrupt and inept. Religious vigilantes started stalking every segment of society, especially campuses. Conformity replaced diversity of opinion; anyone falling on the wrong side of the establishment was either chased out or condemned to silence.

After years of mayhem in Afghanistan the Taliban emerged victorious, in the process attracting jihadis of every hue to the country. For the first time sectarian militants found a safe haven in Afghanistan after spilling a lot of blood in Pakistan. When the Taliban took over Kabul, it bolstered the many obscurantist factions in Pakistan. However, when the Taliban were toppled by the US after 9/11 and found sanctuary in the tribal badlands of Pakistan, a local version of the extremist militia emerged to challenge the writ of the government in the name of the Sharia. The sectarian groups of Punjab found an ally in Fata.
The rot does not lie only in the tribal areas. While they provide sanctuary to every group that challenges the writ of the state, they have their own grievances. They may fly in the same flock but they are not birds of a feather. Once done with Waziristan the state’s focus should turn to Punjab, where sleeper cells are not sleeping anymore. This should be done before southern Punjab becomes another Swat.

Sectarian crimes accentuated by economic deprivation and socio-cultural contradictions have clothed themselves in petty identities. In the short term they need to be removed physically; in the long term the inherent contradictions have to be addressed, for which drastic steps have to be taken.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

16 held in Nepal for anti-India protests

16 held in Nepal for anti-India protests

Kathmandu, (IANS) Sixteen people were arrested in Kathmandu Tuesday for trying to block the way to the Indian embassy in protest against a treaty signed in the 19th century.

Phanindra Nepal, a professor in Nepali, led the protests against the controversial Sugauli Treaty signed between the British East India Co and Nepal in 1816 that compelled Nepal to concede almost a third of its territory to the British colonial rulers of India.

Nepal has been leading the campaign for a “Greater Nepal” for almost a decade, saying the treaty became invalid after India became independent in 1947.

Consequently, he says, the Indian government should return the annexed Nepali territory, which includes Sikkim, Darjeeling and Siliguri and areas now lying in India’s Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand states.

“The British signed the treaty on Dec 2, 1816 and Nepal, after resisting it for 93 days, was eventually compelled to sign it,” Nepal said.

“So, we are observing Dec 2 as a black day for Nepal and demanding that the treaty be revoked.”

Over 100 protesters Tuesday began a sit-in at the Lainchaur area of the capital that leads to the Indian embassy, saying they were “shutting down Lainchaur” symbolically.

Although the demonstrators had planned to continue the obstruction for two hours, they were baton-charged by police and the sit-in was broken up while Nepal and 15 others were arrested.

Three students were injured in the scuffle.

The protesters also sent a memorandum to 17 foreign diplomats in Kathmandu, including the ambassadors of Britain, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.

Last year, “Greater Nepal” activists sent petitions to Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II, urging both to resolve the issue.

Nepal says the British government has a responsibility to ensure Nepal gets back its ceded land as the pact was signed by the British rulers of India.

He also says that India set a precedent of relinquishing ceded land when it did so to Bhutan.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Tensions mount in Asia

Tensions mount in Asia
Mohammad Jamil

In view of recent events in Arunachal Pradesh, Bharat Verma, editor Indian Defence Review China presaged the other day that there could be a war during the month of October 2009 between India and China. Earlier in an interview with the Times of India he reckoned that China would attack India in 2012. One does not know the inside story, but his prediction of imminent war smacks of some devious designs on the part of India. Anyhow, claims some 90000 square kilometer of Arunachal Pradesh, which was once a part of Tibet whereas India always took the plea that it is part of India, which it inherited from the British Raj. In 1959, Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai had written to Indian prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru rejecting latter’s contention that the border was based on 1914 treaty of Simla Convention adding that Chinese government had not accepted McMohan Line as legal.

In 1962, when India tried to flex its muscles, Chinese troops had advanced to 48 kilometers in Assam plains and also occupied Indian forces’ strategic posts in Ladakh in 1962. The border clashes with China were a direct consequence of the Tibetan problem that cropped up when the Dalai Lama had fled to India. Since then it has become a flashpoint that could spark a war between the two nuclear-armed neighbours. Over the years, both countries held series of negotiations to resolve the territorial dispute but to no avail. But after British Foreign Office clarification on 29th October 2008 admitting that Tibet was part of China, Britain should ask India to review its policy of intransigence. Kashmir dispute also owes its origin to British Raj, and after United Nations Security Resolution, international community and especially Britain should play its role in resolving the dispute.

Before the last World Olympics in Peking, efforts were made by the US and the West to tarnish China’s image by inciting human rights activists to highlight human rights’ abuses. When the Olympic torch was to pass from India, protests by Tibetans were organized to mar the event and bring China into disrepute. Tensions are mounting between China and India, especially after US-India nuclear deal because India is basking in the glow of strategic partnership with the US and started flexing muscles with China, and has started interfering its affairs. Recently, Indian government lodged a protest with China over the proposed construction of Bunji Hydro-electric Project in Astore district of the Gilgit Balistan area. Chinese President Hu Jintao said that China would continue to support projects in Azad Kashmir and Northern Areas.

Chinese government has recently strongly protested over Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s visit to Arunachal Pradesh. China has also taken exception to the planned visit of Dalai Lama to Arunachal Pradesh, and warned that there should no political speeches. According to Indian press reports, China’s soldiers, helicopters and even fighter jets have been intruding in the disputed territory to slowly and steadily retrieve the area. Though Chinese media has never created hype about its territorial dispute with India, however recently Chinese diplomats, intellectuals and leaders of the public opinion assert claims over Arunachal Pradesh. According to news carried by international media in May 2009, India has significantly upgraded its military prowess along the border it shares with China, deploying two army divisions along with a squadron of top-of-the-line Sukhoi Su-30MKI warplanes at a critical base in the north-east. Three Awacs command-and-control aircraft was also deployed to boost India’s ability to track troop and equipment movements on the Chinese side of the border. In August 2009, during Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari’s visit to southern China, the two countries signed a deal to work together to build a 7,000 MW hydro power project in Bunji in Northern Areas. President Zardari also sought Chinese assistance and invited companies to help develop hydel and thermal projects in the region. Indian Foreign Office spokesman Vishnu Prakash said on last Wednesday that Beijing was fully aware of India’s concerns about China’s help in projects, and had asked China to take a “long term view” of relations between the two countries and to stop activities in what it called Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. China is a trusted friend of Pakistan; it has helped Pakistan in economic and defence fields in the past.

China was involved in a variety of projects including Gwadar port project and Saindak Copper Project in Balochistan, and has extended full cooperation to make Pakistan self-reliant by providing know-how with a view to ensuring territorial integrity and sovereignty of Pakistan. It would not be an exaggeration to say that Pakistan’s stability has always been the cornerstone of China’s foreign policy always. Former president Pervez Musharraf and his Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao had held an hour-long meeting in Shanghai during his visit to attend Shangai Cooperation Organization (SCO). China and Pakistan signed a deal in 2006 to upgrade the Karakoram Highway, which runs from the trading city of Kashgar in China’s far western Xinjiang region to Gilgit in Pakistan and on to Islamabad. Recent events in Tibet and Xinjiang however have sparked regional concerns. There are ominous forebodings. Bharat Verma, editor of the Indian Defense Review, in an interview with Times of India claimed that “China would attack India before 2012 to divert the attention of its own people from unprecedented internal dissent, growing unemployment and financial problems that are threatening the hold of Communists in that country”. This sounds a part of propaganda to exact further concessions and help from the US and the West to strengthen India’s armed forces. Chinese leadership is well composed. It neither bullies other countries nor accepts any nonsense even from the super power. But China would never accept independence of Taiwan, which has been armed to the teeth by the US and the West. Beijing is indeed making preparations for that eventuality, and building up its military strength to project power not only regionally but also to contend the US as a major player in global politics.
Nevertheless, Chinese leaders hope that frictions can be contained and overwhelmed by the two nation’s shared interest in prosperity. Chinese leadership also understands that economic power is the most important and most essential factor in comprehensive national power, which is why China has all along focused on increasing its economic strength keeping in mind that its military strength depends on the former. Chinese leadership has never reacted reflexively even when it was a question of its rights over Hong Kong and Taiwan. Despite acts of provocations, such as arming Taiwan to the teeth and the US efforts to contain China, the latter always signalled that it would not fight on US terms. Even western analysts reckon that China would be the leading industrial power and perhaps a superpower by 2020. Indeed, China was once a great civilization, and even when degeneration had crept in, the society was never dead, as the revolutions could not occur in a dead society. Nevertheless, the Marxist ideology under the leadership of Mao Tse Tung inspired the degenerated society and it was back on the track to enlightenment and development. The new experiment of market economy monitored and controlled by the Communist party was unique, and Deng Xiao Ping was architect of this policy. After he had taken over control, he observed that China could not go forward unless it got western technology. For this purpose there was no way out but to mend the fences with the West. He formulated policy of coexistence with the West, and it is due to his vision and foresight that China is progressing by leaps and bounds.

Are Pak nukes next terror targets?

Are Pak nukes next terror targets?
Sultan M Hali

The brazen attacks on GHQ, Police training centers in Lahore and the Islamic University of Islamabad would lend credence to the thought that Pakistan’s nukes could be the next terror targets. Pakistan Observer Editor-in-Chief, Zahid Malik, in his special editorial on October 19, 2009 titled: ‘Attack on a nuclear establishment’ has raised the specter of such a scenario. He rightly cautions, “While the foreign trained, foreign funded and foreign armed terrorists have started launching multiple orchestrated attacks on different cities of Pakistan, a critical sabotage in one of the country’s nuclear establishments now appears to be on the agenda of perpetrators of terror in Pakistan and their master-minds abroad.”

It would be naïve, nay suicidal to brush off such a warning and advice coming from the sagacious octogenarian senior journalist. Pakistan’s nuclear weapons program has been the thorn in the side of its adversaries as well as detractors far too long. Doomsday scenarios were built of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons falling in the hands of religious fanatics. The security of Pakistan’s nukes coming under close scrutiny by US intelligence agencies has led to a disclosure of war gaming by Pentagon to seize Pakistani nuclear assets before rogue elements gain control of them. The crescendo appeared to have reached a peak with Frederick Kagan, a former West Point military historian, who devised the Bush administration’s Iraq troop surge, calling for the White House to consider various options for an unstable Pakistan, including the US to consider sending elite troops to Pakistan to seize its nuclear weapons if the country descends into chaos. Kagan admits that “Pakistan’s officer corps and ruling elites remain largely moderate.

But then again, Americans felt similarly about the Shah’s regime and look what happened in 1979,” he says, referring to Iran. The Washington Post carried a detailed report on the exercises to take out Pakistan’s nukes, pointing out that the all such games came to the same conclusion: Pakistan’s cooperation—particularly that of its military—was crucial. Earlier this year, Bruce Riedel, a former CIA officer, who is a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, has been a senior advisor to three US presidents on Middle East and South Asian issues and chaired President Obama’s strategic review of policy toward Afghanistan and Pakistan which concluded in March 2009 and is under revision again, took up the cudgels for attacking Pakistan’s nuclear weapons security.

In his article in “The Wall Street Journal”, titled: ‘Pakistan and the bomb’, Mr. Riedel’s “scholarly masterpiece” was based on half truths, conjectures and apparent twisting of facts in pursuit of an agenda. His article came in the wake of the Swat operations (Rah-e-Rast), which he predicted to fail in view of the retaliatory suicide bomb attacks in Lahore and Peshawar. Thank God Mr. Riedel was proved wrong. Not be deterred, Mr. Riedel took up the tirade once again, when a bus conveying workers from the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission was attacked in Rawalpindi. Bruce Riedel’s inference this time was that it was a daring “attack on Pakistan’s nuclear facility”. He consoled himself thus: “The fighting has cast a spotlight on the shaky security of Pakistan’s growing nuclear arsenal …” And then self-contradicted himself in the very next paragraph, “Today the arsenal is under the control of its military leaders; it is well protected, concealed and dispersed. But if the country fell into the wrong hands—those of the militant Islamic jihadists and al-Qaeda—so would the arsenal.”

With the security forces of Pakistan having routed the militants in Swat and wrested the control of the region and establishing the writ of the government, such a threat was blocked. Not to be daunted, the enemies of Pakistan, whose real intent appears to be the nuclear weapons which Pakistan has developed and deployed, fresh machinations were put in place. Baitullah Mehsud, who was perhaps deemed not brutal enough, was eliminated and replaced by a young, merciless and ruthless leader like Hakimullah Mehsud. His first attack was the brazen assault on the bastion and apparently impregnable citadel of Pakistan Army, the General Headquarters (GHQ).

Breaching it brought cheer to the militants and their sponsors. The US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton condemned the attack on GHQ and in the same breath stated that “Pakistan’s nuclear assets are safe”. Her words are reassuring as well as ominous. An attack on GHQ leads to the strain of thought regarding the possibility of terrorists getting through the security parameters of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons. Mr. Zahid Malik’s concerns regarding a possible attack on our nuclear establishment and maintaining a high vigil by all and sundry are valid suggestions. It is no longer enough to cajole ourselves with the thought that if the Indian and western intelligence agencies have not been able to find any clue about the location of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal; how would a rag-tag militia do so?

One advantage that accrued out of the GHQ attack was that one of the miscreants’ group leaders was captured alive and he is singing like a canary. However lowly placed he may have been in the army dispensation, he does raise apprehensions. Brigadier Feroz Hassan Khan, in his article ‘Nuclear Security in Pakistan: Separating Myth from Reality’ alludes to under the caption “Insider-Outsider Collusion” that insiders in the program could be motivated by religious, monetary, revenge, grudges, jealousies, psychiatric disorders, to act against the state and become a tool of the enemy.

Fears for the safety of Pakistani nuclear assets can be allayed by the factor of astute planning. Pakistan’s Nuclear Command Authority through its Strategic Plans Division, undertakes measures for the safety and security of strategic assets including: development of a strategic C4I2SR; over watch and regulate the movement of its scientific manpower through Personnel Reliability and Human Reliability Programmes; weekly, monthly and quarterly intelligence reports; sensitive material control and accounting; transportation security and specialist vehicles; two man rule, codes and Permissive Action Links (PALs). These steps preclude any security concerns for Pakistan’s nukes, but total vigilance is a must as indeed our nukes are a viable target for terrorists and their sponsors.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Conspiracies, ruses and lies

Conspiracies, ruses and lies

Mohammad Jamil

When Pakistan army is doing its utmost to destroy terrorists, some enemies of Pakistan are concocting stories that it is not wholeheartedly taking on the Taliban. A news item has been published in the press quoting the Associated Press, which reads: “Pakistani intelligence officials have told The Associated Press on condition of anonymity that the Pakistan Army, in the midst of a major new offensive against Taliban militants, has struck deals to keep two powerful, anti-US tribal chiefs from joining the battle against the government. Under the terms agreed to about three weeks ago, Taliban renegades Maulvi Nazir and Hafiz Gul Bahadur will stay out of the current fight in parts of S Waziristan controlled by the Pakistani Taliban”. Knowing the reputation of Pakistan’s premier agency, there is not an iota of truth in this news, and the story has been tailored with malicious intent to convey an impression that army only fights those who attack Pakistan’s security personnel and not those who attack US forces. It goes without saying that Pakistan has the right to deal with the elements that are not willing to accept the writ of the state.

It has to be understood that Pakistan army can only fight the terrorists operating in Pakistan, and cannot cross over to Afghanistan to fight the Taliban attacking the American and NATO forces. Anyhow, the purpose of such conspiracies is to create misunderstanding between Pakistan and the US. Not that the US has created less problems for Pakistan; be it Jundallah’s suicide attack in Sistan or America’s outsourcing of security to private contractors Xe (earlier Blackwater). At the present Pakistan is an ally of the US in its war on terror, and there is common perception that Washington cannot win this war without Pakistan’s support but its attitude towards Pakistan is not at all commendable. America in fact is losing its economic and military strength, and it is in this backdrop that Iran is not willing to budge an inch from its right to enrich uranium, and Israel rejects American demand to stop construction of Jewish settlements. US army in Afghanistan is virtually not doing anything, and the interesting part is that the sole superpower has to give contracts for its army’s support and security. Knowing full well that Pakistan is capable of dealing with terrorists, the US has brought in notorious Blackwater newly christened Xe LLC. America should stop outsourcing security so far as Pakistan is concerned, otherwise the relations between Pakistan and the US may become strained. Reports abound that Xe LLC has recruited Pushtans from Peshawar and other areas of NWFP and is now busy recruiting Punjabi and Urdu speaking persons for the reasons unknown to the nation or even the ruling elite. When in the first week of July 2009, local English daily carried a report that the American diplomats in Islamabad keep roaming free on the city roads armed with guns and revolvers in cars with fake number plates. But it was brushed aside by the Minister for Interior Rehman Malik, saying that there was no cause of alarm.

The report said that in many cases they were caught by the capital’s police but were let off for diplomatic immunity. Earlier in February 2009, a Pakistan TV channel had aired a report which began with the statement that Interior Ministry issued a notification to all provinces and police and intelligence agencies to keep an eye on the suspected activities of Blackwater’s personnel (now Xe LLC) in Pakistan. This meant that the government and the Interior Ministry had the knowledge about the activities of Blackwater’s mercenary army, as diplomats not carry guns. Their presence near sensitive installations of Pakistan like FIA building, sub-headquarter at Ghazi near Tarbela Dam, Sihala near Kahuta and other such places is a cause for concern. According to a columnist who recently visited Sihala Police Training College to deliver lecture to the recruits on an invitation of the Commandant, it was revealed that a fort-like building is in the control of Americans, which is used for training of foreigners. Since June 2009 there were rumours that the US has hired the services of former Blackwater Worldwide with its new name Xe Services LLC apparently for the security of its diplomats in Pakistan, but there seems to be a lot more than what meets the eye. Looking at the role of the Blackwater mercenary army in Iraq and Afghanistan, one is inclined to conclude that the US has some ulterior motives in hiring their services in Pakistan. After the US bought scores of acres land in Islamabad, there is a perception that the US will construct a base to monitor Pakistan’s nuclear assets and also keep vigil over other neighbouring countries. US ambassador Anne Patterson, however, refuted such accusations that more than 1,000 marines would be based in Islamabad, and said that there would be only 15 to 20 marines to protect the Embassy. But why all of a sudden, the US is moving with such a fast pace? Meanwhile, Chinese ambassador has expressed concerns over extension of US embassy and other activities of diplomatic personnel and induction of mysterious characters i.e. Xe personnel.

In November 2008, the State Department found that hundreds of automatic weapons meant for this organisation ended up on country’s black market. Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki refused to accept the mercenary army of the Xe, and its members were reportedly sent to Pakistan. After having been exposed, Blackwater announced on February 13, 2009, that it would operate under the new name “Xe”. A spokesman for the company stated that it feels the Blackwater name is too closely associated with the company’s work in Iraq. It has to be understood that changing the name will not change the character of the organisation, when it has the same top management team and job description for its employees. Pakistan govt should tell the US in unequivocal terms that it would not accept the controversial mercenary army in Pakistan. It is unfortunate that despite vows to help Pakistan fight terrorism, the US takes certain actions that create doubts in the minds of Pakistanis. Last week, local English daily carried news that the US had sent a team to Pakistan to review the reimbursement system under Coalition Support Funds. In a written reply to Senate Armed Services Committee, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee Admiral Mike Mullen said the team was sent to review the Coalition Support Funds, which provided reimbursement to Pakistan for expense incurred while conducting operations in the anti-terror war. Coalition Support Funds, he said, are a key element towards meeting US objectives in the Pak-Afghan strategy. “We continue to work with the Pakistan military to improve CSF processes, and ensure appropriate accountability and transparency for CSF,” he added.
But the US is procrastinating on reimbursement of expenses Pakistan incurs in connection with war on terror vis-à-vis logistics – fuel, food, material and other items for 100000 Pakistani troops deployed on Pak-Afghan border. Anne Paterson said the other day that the US has given $3 billion to the government during the last 12 months, which has been refuted by Shaukat Tarin. According to him the US has not given less than $1 billion. As recently as October 19, President Zardari has reminded the US that it should pay $1.6 billion, which is in fact reimbursement of the expenses incurred in connection with logistics, cost of fuel and other equipment used in war or terror. That point besides, Pakistan government should investigate as to who has given permission to carry out activities by Americans at Sihala, where even its commandant is not allowed to visit. US aid or no aid, Pakistan should not compromise on its sovereignty and must secure its sensitive assets and US should be asked to immediately vacate the premises.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Conspiracies, ruses and lies

Conspiracies, ruses and lies

Mohammad Jamil

When Pakistan army is doing its utmost to destroy terrorists, some enemies of Pakistan are concocting stories that it is not wholeheartedly taking on the Taliban. A news item has been published in the press quoting the Associated Press, which reads: “Pakistani intelligence officials have told The Associated Press on condition of anonymity that the Pakistan Army, in the midst of a major new offensive against Taliban militants, has struck deals to keep two powerful, anti-US tribal chiefs from joining the battle against the government. Under the terms agreed to about three weeks ago, Taliban renegades Maulvi Nazir and Hafiz Gul Bahadur will stay out of the current fight in parts of S Waziristan controlled by the Pakistani Taliban”. Knowing the reputation of Pakistan’s premier agency, there is not an iota of truth in this news, and the story has been tailored with malicious intent to convey an impression that army only fights those who attack Pakistan’s security personnel and not those who attack US forces. It goes without saying that Pakistan has the right to deal with the elements that are not willing to accept the writ of the state.

It has to be understood that Pakistan army can only fight the terrorists operating in Pakistan, and cannot cross over to Afghanistan to fight the Taliban attacking the American and Nato forces. Anyhow, the purpose of such conspiracies is to create misunderstanding between Pakistan and the US. Not that the US has created less problems for Pakistan; be it Jundallah’s suicide attack in Sistan or America’s outsourcing of security to private contractors Xe (earlier Blackwater). At the present Pakistan is an ally of the US in its war on terror, and there is common perception that Washington cannot win this war without Pakistan’s support but its attitude towards Pakistan is not at all commendable. America in fact is losing its economic and military strength, and it is in this backdrop that Iran is not willing to budge an inch from its right to enrich uranium, and Israel rejects American demand to stop construction of Jewish settlements. US army in Afghanistan is virtually not doing anything, and the interesting part is that the sole superpower has to give contracts for its army’s support and security. Knowing full well that Pakistan is capable of dealing with terrorists, the US has brought in notorious Blackwater newly christened Xe LLC. America should stop outsourcing security so far as Pakistan is concerned, otherwise the relations between Pakistan and the US may become strained. Reports abound that Xe LLC has recruited Pushtans from Peshawar and other areas of NWFP and is now busy recruiting Punjabi and Urdu speaking persons for the reasons unknown to the nation or even the ruling elite. When in the first week of July 2009, local English daily carried a report that the American diplomats in Islamabad keep roaming free on the city roads armed with guns and revolvers in cars with fake number plates. But it was brushed aside by the Minister for Interior Rehman Malik, saying that there was no cause of alarm.

The report said that in many cases they were caught by the capital’s police but were let off for diplomatic immunity. Earlier in February 2009, a Pakistan TV channel had aired a report which began with the statement that Interior Ministry issued a notification to all provinces and police and intelligence agencies to keep an eye on the suspected activities of Blackwater’s personnel (now Xe LLC) in Pakistan. This meant that the government and the Interior Ministry had the knowledge about the activities of Blackwater’s mercenary army, as diplomats not carry guns. Their presence near sensitive installations of Pakistan like FIA building, sub-headquarter at Ghazi near Tarbela Dam, Sihala near Kahuta and other such places is a cause for concern. According to a columnist who recently visited Sihala Police Training College to deliver lecture to the recruits on an invitation of the Commandant, it was revealed that a fort-like building is in the control of Americans, which is used for training of foreigners. Since June 2009 there were rumours that the US has hired the services of former Blackwater Worldwide with its new name Xe Services LLC apparently for the security of its diplomats in Pakistan, but there seems to be a lot more than what meets the eye. Looking at the role of the Blackwater mercenary army in Iraq and Afghanistan, one is inclined to conclude that the US has some ulterior motives in hiring their services in Pakistan. After the US bought scores of acres land in Islamabad, there is a perception that the US will construct a base to monitor Pakistan’s nuclear assets and also keep vigil over other neighbouring countries. US ambassador Anne Patterson, however, refuted such accusations that more than 1,000 marines would be based in Islamabad, and said that there would be only 15 to 20 marines to protect the Embassy. But why all of a sudden, the US is moving with such a fast pace? Meanwhile, Chinese ambassador has expressed concerns over extension of US embassy and other activities of diplomatic personnel and induction of mysterious characters i.e. Xe personnel.

In November 2008, the State Department found that hundreds of automatic weapons meant for this organisation ended up on country’s black market. Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki refused to accept the mercenary army of the Xe, and its members were reportedly sent to Pakistan. After having been exposed, Blackwater announced on February 13, 2009, that it would operate under the new name “Xe”. A spokesman for the company stated that it feels the Blackwater name is too closely associated with the company’s work in Iraq. It has to be understood that changing the name will not change the character of the organisation, when it has the same top management team and job description for its employees. Pakistan govt should tell the US in unequivocal terms that it would not accept the controversial mercenary army in Pakistan. It is unfortunate that despite vows to help Pakistan fight terrorism, the US takes certain actions that create doubts in the minds of Pakistanis. Last week, local English daily carried news that the US had sent a team to Pakistan to review the reimbursement system under Coalition Support Funds. In a written reply to Senate Armed Services Committee, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee Admiral Mike Mullen said the team was sent to review the Coalition Support Funds, which provided reimbursement to Pakistan for expense incurred while conducting operations in the anti-terror war. Coalition Support Funds, he said, are a key element towards meeting US objectives in the Pak-Afghan strategy. “We continue to work with the Pakistan military to improve CSF processes, and ensure appropriate accountability and transparency for CSF,” he added.

But the US is procrastinating on reimbursement of expenses Pakistan incurs in connection with war on terror vis-à-vis logistics – fuel, food, material and other items for 100000 Pakistani troops deployed on Pak-Afghan border. Anne Paterson said the other day that the US has given $3 billion to the government during the last 12 months, which has been refuted by Shaukat Tarin. According to him the US has not given less than $1 billion. As recently as October 19, President Zardari has reminded the US that it should pay $1.6 billion, which is in fact reimbursement of the expenses incurred in connection with logistics, cost of fuel and other equipment used in war or terror. That point besides, Pakistan government should investigate as to who has given permission to carry out activities by Americans at Sihala, where even its commandant is not allowed to visit. US aid or no aid, Pakistan should not compromise on its sovereignty and must secure its sensitive assets and US should be asked to immediately vacate the premises.

Friday, March 12, 2010

War of Generals in Indian Army

Fort Williams boss wins the War of Generals in Indian Army

—India nominates Lt. General V.K Singh to replace General Deepak Kapoor as Indian Army Chief
—General Kapoor’s one year extension request turned down by government
—Kapoor-Singh war ends with dividing Indian Army top brass in 2 groups
—General Singh used military Intelligence to leak classified Kapoor documents to media, deprived him of his close aides through corruption charges
—MI Chief Lt. General Loomba helped Gen. Singh in countering Gen. Kapoor
—General Kapoor submitted to Singh, leaving him to lead a demoralized Army by admitting Force’s combat weaknesses
—Singh set to lead the divided Indian army, engulfed with corruption scams, sex scandals

From Christina Palmer

NEW DELHI—The almost year long “War of Generals” between the Army Chief of India General Deepak Kapoor and the Commander of the Eastern Command Lt. General Vijay Kumar Singh, also known as the Fort Williams boss, ended here on Friday with Indian government naming Gen. Singh to be the new Army Chief of India and he will replace general Kapoor by the end of March, yet this war left the Indian army top brass stood divided in two groups with the troops in a state of worst demoralization, reveal the findings of The Daily Mail.
59-year-old Singh will take over from Gen Deepak Kapoor on March 31 when he retires from service, defence ministry spokesperson Sitanshu Kar said here. He will have around two-year tenure. The Defence Ministry issued the order appointing Singh for the top post after the Cabinet Committee on Appointments cleared his name .A third generation officer from the Rajput regiment, Singh is a graduate of the Wellington-based Defense Services Staff College as well as the Rangers Course at Fort Benning, USA and the US Army War College, Carlisle. He was commissioned into 2 Rajput Regiment in June 1970 and commanded the same unit when it was positioned along the Line of Control with Pakistan.
The Daily Mail’s findings indicate that the cold war that erupted amongst the two top Generals of Indian army started when General Deepak Kapoor, the Army Chief, bypassed the senior most General of the Indian Army at the time of the appointment of the Deputy Army Chief and instead appointed a rather junior General at the lucrative slot. After this the War of Generals began in the Indian army with both, General Kapoor and General Singh leaving no opportunity to down each other. As the war started getting heated from its cold status, General Singh finally managed to fix Kapoor when he, through the help of the Chiif of the military Intelligence Lt. General Loomba, found that Kapoor’s confidante Generals including Lt Gen. Avadhesh Prakash, Lt Gen. Ramesh Halgali and Maj. Gen. P. Sen and Lt Gen. P.K. Rath were involved a massive corruption scandal in the sale of military lands to a contractor in Bengal. The Daily Mail’s findings further indicate that upon this development, General Singh convened a high profile Court of Inquiry. This Court of Inquiry, presided over by Commander 4 Corps, based at Tezpur, Lt Gen. K.T. Parnaik, had forwarded its findings to Lt Gen. Singh. Based on the findings and on consultations with the Judge Advocate General (JAG) in his command, the Eastern army commander recommended the “termination of services” of Lt Gen. Prakash because of his alleged involvement in a land scam case. This situation paralyzed the entire military establishment as the scuffle between the 2 bigwigs of the Indian Army started rising day by day with Army Chief trying to show his muscles to Commander Eastern Command and resisting JAG branch’s recommendations while Commander Eastern Command sticking to the set rules and procedures.

The Daily Mail’s finding further reveal that after getting a cold shoulder from Defence Minister Antony , the Indian Army Chief held detailed discussions with the Adjutant-General over the matter to decide the course of action, exploring more ways to save his top aides, specially Lt. General Prakash, seeking administrative action rather than disciplinary action while General Singh insisting on disciplinary action, meaning termination of services. These findings further indicate that this phase of the war was finally won by General Deepak Kapoor as he managed to get some relief for his aide Generals and succeed in converting disciplinary actions against them into administrative actions, contrary to the recommendations of general Singh and the JAG Branch.
The Daily Mail’s findings further indicate that in the meantime, both Generals started a lobbying amongst the military top brass to win maximum Corps Commanders, Principal staff Officers and Formation Commanders in their respective favours, an exercise which latterly divided the Indian army top bras into two groups with effects reaching to the lowest troop’s levels. The Daily Mail’s findings reveal that on the other side, both General Kapoor and General Singh were still looking for different ways and means to show muscles to each other. In this process, with crystal clear reservations and objection, General Deepak Kapoor in December 2009, finalized a new war vision, a new doctrine to fight a war with Pakistan and China on simultaneous fronts. Before announcing this war doctrine, both General showed the strength of top Generals on their respective sides and Kapoor won with a slight margin and forwarded the doctrine to the government, coupled with a request for a one year extension in his service tenure under the pretext that it was primary for him to command the army for at least one more year implement the new doctrine with all its comprehensions. Though this request was sent to the government with complete secrecy by General Kapoor, yet General Singh managed to get knowledge about it through MI Chief General Loomba. The Daily Mail’s findings indicate that upon this, General Loomba and General Singh organized another ploy to counter general Kapoor and thus the MI Chief embarked upon a secret visit to the Afghanistan, though with the notice Army Chief but with quoting totally different reasons for the visit. The sources at the Army Headquarters revealed to this scribe that after the return of MI Chief from Afghanistan trip, both Singh and Loomba met with certain political leaders secretly, including Defence Minister A K Antony, who was already at odds with general Deepak Kapoo and convinced them to get rid of Kapoor by not giving him any extension as vision about India’s military role in Afghanistan was almost zero while Loomba and Singh presented a new formula regarding Afghanistan to counter both China and Pakistan. However the sources regretted to the ability to divulge about the Singh-Loomba formula to tackle Pakistan and China through attaining a comprehensive military role in Afghanistan.
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that on the other side, his confidantes in the other spy agency the Research and Analysis Wing ( R&AW) informed Kapoor about the Singh-Loomba nexus and also told him that government had decided
Not grant him any extension in his service tenure. Upon this, Deepak Kapoor decided to give a blow to General Singh, who was just next in line to replace him if he was not granted an extension and decided to give him a tough time to handle matters later on. With this theory, General Kapoor disclosed a top secret of the Indian army to the local and international media by making and outrageous admission that the Indian Army was not able to combat an armored and infantry battle in the night time. ‘My major concern is that night blindness of the army is removed so we are able to fight in the night as in the day,’ Kapoor said at New Delh , an admission that stunned the world in the back drop of his two weeks old remarks. The situation also forced Indian Defence Minister Antony to chew his own buts as he had been endorsing and projecting General Kapoor’s announcement regarding the new war doctrine for Pakistan and China while it also shocked General VK Singh to the maximum as he was to lead the Army after Kapoor’s retirmen in a coupl of months’ time and this admission was a bombshell for him not only to keep the morale of his troops but to keep the image of the world’s 2nd largest army high.
When his attention was brought to the fact that the Indian Army’s tanks have a night vision capability of 20 percent, Pakistan’s have 80 percent while China has 100 percent, General Deepak Kapoor admitted this outrageous military debacle by saying: ‘You are right.’
‘Projects are already in the pipeline to ensure that we have the night vision capability that our adversaries have. It may take three-four years,’ Kapoor added, playing, perhaps the last card to give Gen. V K Singh a tough time for the rest of his career, without taking into consideration that such an admission would cause a big, big blow to the army that he served and commanded for years and would also be at par with compromising the national security.
The Daily Mail’s findings indicate that this outrageous admission by General Kapoor highly annoyed General Singh and he, in his yet another bid to cause humiliation to General Kapoor and to ensure that general Kapoor loses even an iota of doubts about getting any chance of an extension in the service. These findings indicate that at this stage, MI Chief general Loomba again helped General V K Singh and provided Singh with highly classified medical documents regarding the health status of General Kapoor that the MI people stole from Indian Army’s Research and Referral Hospital, relating to general Kapoor’s check-up at this medical facility of the Army in November 2009 but the results of the check-up were not reported to the concerned quarters. These medical reports suggested that General Kapoor was suffering from acute hearing problem and thus falls in the category of unfit officers which could have even resulted into a premature retirement but definitely leaving no chance of any extension in his service.
The Daily Mail’s findings indicate that General Singh once again used the service of MI Chief and released these highly classified documents, relating to the confidential health matters of India’s Army Chief to the press, just to settle his scores with General Kapoor and here he compromised the national security.
It is believed that the Friday’s announcement of the Indian government might have ended the War of Generals in the Indian Army as both now know their fate very clearly, yet this war has already done enough damage to the institution and who know that this war is over or will still go on till General Kapoor makes an exit from the Army’s Office and General Singh sits there by the end of March?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

India the land of Sexy and Sleazy Swamis

New Delhi, March 07: IT WAS a bad week for sleazy godmen — and the weekend dealt another blow to their crumbling pedestal.

After many popular gurus were exposed — quite literally — in different stings across the country, the shameful antics of another `spiritual guru' in Ghaziabad came to light on Saturday.Anup Kumar Sahai alias Swamiji, 40, allegedly abducted a 25-yearold from the Raj Nagar area of Ghaziabad after she snubbed his marriage proposal, the police said.
The self-styled guru took a fancy to Priyanka Srivastava, an MBA graduate pursuing a PhD, and wanted to marry her despite the fact that he has a wife and a seven-year-old daughter. When Priyanka and her family rejected Sahai's proposal, he offered them Rs 1 crore. When they still didn't budge, he threatened them, claiming he would abduct the girl and marry her forcibly if they didn't cooperate, the police said.

Priyanka went missing on February 15 but it was only on Saturday that the police registered a case of kidnapping against the guru and initiated a manhunt.

Sahai's " impeccable credentials" may have something to do with the delayed reactions.
Known to travel in a red beacon- fitted car, he claimed to be a member of the labour ministry's central advisory committee and listed his " office" at Shram Shakti Bhawan on the Capital's Rafi Marg. He also owned a trust named ` Saptrishi Foundation' and was on the board of several ayurvedic firms in India and abroad.

Rajesh Chaudhary, inspector in- charge at the Kavi Nagarpolice station, said on February 15, Priyanka left her Sector- 7, Raj Nagar house at 5.30 pm.

She went to a nearby Mother Dairy booth but did not return.

Her family immediately suspected Sahai and his elder brother, Ashutosh.
Priyanka's mother Sudha Srivastava said, " Anup said he wanted to marry my daughter and was constantly putting pressure on us. On February 11, he sent a woman named Poonam Sharma who claimed to be an NGO worker. She forcibly entered my house, took my daughter to a secluded corner and threatened her." The distraught mother's suspicions were confirmed when she started receiving calls and texts from the Sahai, in which he admitted to have abducted Priyanka. Sudha added, " Anup started calling us from different numbers. He said Priyanka was with him and that he would marry her soon." The Srivastavas' s lawyer, Rohit Sharma, said: " After Priyanka's father N. B. Lal expired in 2004, she suffered from depression. So, her mother took her to Sahai, who claimed he could heal depression through spiritual remedies.

But he started eyeing Priyanka malevolently. " The family accused Ashutosh — a former secretary to a minister of state in the previous cabinet — of shielding him. Both brothers have been booked under Sections 363, 366 and 506 of theIndian Penal Code.

Disciple shot sting to ` unmask' Nityanand

IT IS ONE gurudakshina Swami Paramahamsa Nityanand might remember for life. The godman's former disciple, Nitya Dharmananda alias Lenin Karuppan, has claimed he filmed Nityanand's sexcapades " to unmask the man masquerading as a spiritual leader". The videos showed Nityanand in compromising positions with actress Ranjitha.
According to Dharmananda, she served as Nityanand's personal attendant during her frequent, dayslong visits to his ashram.

The former disciple is said to have told the police more about the godman's ` sexcapades' and other murky happenings at his ashram. " He had intimate relationships with many other heroines too," Dharmananda said.

He added that his suspicions about the godman's activities were aroused with the death of a devotee from Canada at the ashram. They were deepened when another devotee attempted suicide.

Dharmananda is also said to have handed over to the police two CDs believed to contain Nityanand's dalliance with other tinseltown beauties.

The former Nityanand disciple said he had joined the godman's staff as a driver. He went on to become Nityanand's trusted lieutenant and settled down in the Bangalore ashram in 2006. He had free access to the godman's private rooms and he said he made the tapes December last.

" Sensing I had done a sting operation, Nityanand and ashram functionaries threatened me on February 18 during a visit to Salem. I escaped," Dharmananda said. He has sought police protection.

However, Dharmananda' s claims have raised doubts about the motive behind the release of the sleaze tapes.

In the meantime, Nityanand has said the videos were " morphed" and that it was " a conspiracy to defame" him. In an appeal through his website, he has urged his followers not to be carried away by the tapes.


Fact and Truth

Islamist militant a misnomer

Islamist militant a misnomer
S M Hali

The term “Islamist militant” is a misnomer. It was coined in the West and portrays Islam to be linked to terrorism and violence, aimed at tarnishing the image and presenting Islam as a barbaric religion. On the other hand, the terms “Christian, Jewish” or “Hindu militants” have never been used. This duplicity leads Islam to be portrayed negatively even in the minds of neutral observers. Let’s briefly examine the causes of this linkage.

Wikipedia defines Islamic terrorism as the common term for violence rooted in Islamic fundamentalism, and aimed at defending, or even promoting, Islamic culture, society, and values in opposition to the political, allegedly imperialistic, and cultural influences of non-Muslims, and the Western world in particular (“Dar al-Harb”). It elaborates that political dimensions to the ideology, specifically the history of Western influence and control after the fall of the Ottoman Empire in 1918, is the common stated reason used within the ideology to justify and explain its use of violence as resistive and retributive against Western, non-Muslim imperialism and political influence. Wikipedia quotes examples of Islamic terrorist acts as hijacking airliners, kidnapping, assassination, suicide bombing, and mass murder. The most prominent act attributed to Islamic terrorism is the hijacking of commercial passenger airliners and their use in the destruction of the World Trade Centre which claimed 2,998 lives leading the US to declare a “war on terrorism”.

This explanation squarely blames Islam as a religion and needs to be refuted logically. Ordinary Muslims who have nothing to do with militancy or terrorism find it reprehensible because it forces upon them a label simply because they, too, are believers of Islam. In fact, the common Muslim believes that he is being turned into a racial hate target by using the word “Islam” with “militancy”. Islam as a religion neither encourages militancy nor condones terrorism. The perpetrators of militancy and extremism may be committing their acts of terror in the name of Islam, but are misusing the garb of Islam to justify their deeds. Modern Muslim scholars Jamal R Nassar, (Globalisation and Terrorism: The Migration of Dreams and Nightmares), and Karim H Karim, (Islamic Peril: Media and Global Violence) contend that because there are over a billion adherents of Islam, the phenomenon describes political ideologies rooted in interpretations of Islam. In this vein, describing terrorism as “Islamic” may confirm “a prejudicial perspective of all things Islamic.” Karen Armstrong, author of Muhammad: A Prophet for our Time, in her article The label of Catholic terror was never used about the IRA, infers: “Fundamentalism is often a form of nationalism in religious disguise”, and that using the phrase “terrorism” is dangerously counterproductive, as it suggests those in the West believe that such atrocities are caused by Islam, and hence reinforces the viewpoint of some in the Muslim world that the West is an implacable enemy. Armstrong also believes that the terrorists in no way represent mainstream Islam.

Islam indeed has nothing to do with terrorism and it is only certain misguided souls, who spread violence in the name of Islam. QurÜnic verse (Al-Mâ’idah) ordains: “If anyone slew a person, (whether Muslim or not), it would be as if he slew the whole mankind.” However, some western commentators claim that Islamist militancy is inspired by numerous QurÜnic verses which preach Jihad against non-Muslims. They quote QurÜnic verses out of context to further their argument. An oft quoted verse is (Al- Anfâl: 60): “Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies, of Allah and your enemies.” This must be read in the total milieu. The Holy QurÜn ordains Muslims to exhort disbelievers to enter the fold of Islam. This exhortation is not to be implemented through coercion or use of force but by reasoning, and personal examples of good conduct. In case the non-Muslims opt for practicing their own faith, their wishes must be respected and they should be facilitated in following their religion, faith or creed without hindrances. It is only if they make mischief and plot or machinate against Islam, Jihad is permissible. It must also be clear that any individual or group does not carry the authority to declare Jihad against non-Muslims. It is only the government that has the final word in declaring Jihad and that too if all implications for peace have been exhausted.

Criticism of terrorism on Islamic grounds has also been made by Muslim scholars such as Abdal-Hakim Murad, in his publication: Bin Laden’s violence is heresy against Islam. He declares: “Certainly, neither bin Laden nor his principal associate, Ayman al-Zawahiri, are graduates of Islamic universities. And so their proclamations ignore 14 centuries of Muslim scholarship, and instead take the form of lists of anti-American grievances and of Koranic quotations referring to early Muslim wars against Arab idolaters. These are followed by the conclusion that all Americans, civilian and military, are to be wiped off the face of the Earth. All this amounts to an odd and extreme violation of the normal methods of Islamic scholarship. Had the authors of such fatwâs followed the norms of their religion, they would have had to acknowledge that no school of mainstream Islam allows the targeting of civilians. An insurrectionist who kills non-combatants is guilty of baghy, “armed aggression,” a capital offense in Islamic law.

The phenomenon of suicide bombers though in constant use now, did not originate in the Islamic world. It was first practiced by Sri Lankan rebels, the Tamil Tigers, in style of Japanese Kamikaze pilots during the Second World War. It has not been preached or permitted by any Islamic scholar of repute except in the state of war, which is not an individual’s prerogative. “Islamic militancy” is a malicious term and its usage by the media or governments must be discontinued while such terms must be disassociated from Islam.