Thursday, March 18, 2010

Conspiracies, ruses and lies

Conspiracies, ruses and lies

Mohammad Jamil

When Pakistan army is doing its utmost to destroy terrorists, some enemies of Pakistan are concocting stories that it is not wholeheartedly taking on the Taliban. A news item has been published in the press quoting the Associated Press, which reads: “Pakistani intelligence officials have told The Associated Press on condition of anonymity that the Pakistan Army, in the midst of a major new offensive against Taliban militants, has struck deals to keep two powerful, anti-US tribal chiefs from joining the battle against the government. Under the terms agreed to about three weeks ago, Taliban renegades Maulvi Nazir and Hafiz Gul Bahadur will stay out of the current fight in parts of S Waziristan controlled by the Pakistani Taliban”. Knowing the reputation of Pakistan’s premier agency, there is not an iota of truth in this news, and the story has been tailored with malicious intent to convey an impression that army only fights those who attack Pakistan’s security personnel and not those who attack US forces. It goes without saying that Pakistan has the right to deal with the elements that are not willing to accept the writ of the state.

It has to be understood that Pakistan army can only fight the terrorists operating in Pakistan, and cannot cross over to Afghanistan to fight the Taliban attacking the American and NATO forces. Anyhow, the purpose of such conspiracies is to create misunderstanding between Pakistan and the US. Not that the US has created less problems for Pakistan; be it Jundallah’s suicide attack in Sistan or America’s outsourcing of security to private contractors Xe (earlier Blackwater). At the present Pakistan is an ally of the US in its war on terror, and there is common perception that Washington cannot win this war without Pakistan’s support but its attitude towards Pakistan is not at all commendable. America in fact is losing its economic and military strength, and it is in this backdrop that Iran is not willing to budge an inch from its right to enrich uranium, and Israel rejects American demand to stop construction of Jewish settlements. US army in Afghanistan is virtually not doing anything, and the interesting part is that the sole superpower has to give contracts for its army’s support and security. Knowing full well that Pakistan is capable of dealing with terrorists, the US has brought in notorious Blackwater newly christened Xe LLC. America should stop outsourcing security so far as Pakistan is concerned, otherwise the relations between Pakistan and the US may become strained. Reports abound that Xe LLC has recruited Pushtans from Peshawar and other areas of NWFP and is now busy recruiting Punjabi and Urdu speaking persons for the reasons unknown to the nation or even the ruling elite. When in the first week of July 2009, local English daily carried a report that the American diplomats in Islamabad keep roaming free on the city roads armed with guns and revolvers in cars with fake number plates. But it was brushed aside by the Minister for Interior Rehman Malik, saying that there was no cause of alarm.

The report said that in many cases they were caught by the capital’s police but were let off for diplomatic immunity. Earlier in February 2009, a Pakistan TV channel had aired a report which began with the statement that Interior Ministry issued a notification to all provinces and police and intelligence agencies to keep an eye on the suspected activities of Blackwater’s personnel (now Xe LLC) in Pakistan. This meant that the government and the Interior Ministry had the knowledge about the activities of Blackwater’s mercenary army, as diplomats not carry guns. Their presence near sensitive installations of Pakistan like FIA building, sub-headquarter at Ghazi near Tarbela Dam, Sihala near Kahuta and other such places is a cause for concern. According to a columnist who recently visited Sihala Police Training College to deliver lecture to the recruits on an invitation of the Commandant, it was revealed that a fort-like building is in the control of Americans, which is used for training of foreigners. Since June 2009 there were rumours that the US has hired the services of former Blackwater Worldwide with its new name Xe Services LLC apparently for the security of its diplomats in Pakistan, but there seems to be a lot more than what meets the eye. Looking at the role of the Blackwater mercenary army in Iraq and Afghanistan, one is inclined to conclude that the US has some ulterior motives in hiring their services in Pakistan. After the US bought scores of acres land in Islamabad, there is a perception that the US will construct a base to monitor Pakistan’s nuclear assets and also keep vigil over other neighbouring countries. US ambassador Anne Patterson, however, refuted such accusations that more than 1,000 marines would be based in Islamabad, and said that there would be only 15 to 20 marines to protect the Embassy. But why all of a sudden, the US is moving with such a fast pace? Meanwhile, Chinese ambassador has expressed concerns over extension of US embassy and other activities of diplomatic personnel and induction of mysterious characters i.e. Xe personnel.

In November 2008, the State Department found that hundreds of automatic weapons meant for this organisation ended up on country’s black market. Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki refused to accept the mercenary army of the Xe, and its members were reportedly sent to Pakistan. After having been exposed, Blackwater announced on February 13, 2009, that it would operate under the new name “Xe”. A spokesman for the company stated that it feels the Blackwater name is too closely associated with the company’s work in Iraq. It has to be understood that changing the name will not change the character of the organisation, when it has the same top management team and job description for its employees. Pakistan govt should tell the US in unequivocal terms that it would not accept the controversial mercenary army in Pakistan. It is unfortunate that despite vows to help Pakistan fight terrorism, the US takes certain actions that create doubts in the minds of Pakistanis. Last week, local English daily carried news that the US had sent a team to Pakistan to review the reimbursement system under Coalition Support Funds. In a written reply to Senate Armed Services Committee, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee Admiral Mike Mullen said the team was sent to review the Coalition Support Funds, which provided reimbursement to Pakistan for expense incurred while conducting operations in the anti-terror war. Coalition Support Funds, he said, are a key element towards meeting US objectives in the Pak-Afghan strategy. “We continue to work with the Pakistan military to improve CSF processes, and ensure appropriate accountability and transparency for CSF,” he added.
But the US is procrastinating on reimbursement of expenses Pakistan incurs in connection with war on terror vis-à-vis logistics – fuel, food, material and other items for 100000 Pakistani troops deployed on Pak-Afghan border. Anne Paterson said the other day that the US has given $3 billion to the government during the last 12 months, which has been refuted by Shaukat Tarin. According to him the US has not given less than $1 billion. As recently as October 19, President Zardari has reminded the US that it should pay $1.6 billion, which is in fact reimbursement of the expenses incurred in connection with logistics, cost of fuel and other equipment used in war or terror. That point besides, Pakistan government should investigate as to who has given permission to carry out activities by Americans at Sihala, where even its commandant is not allowed to visit. US aid or no aid, Pakistan should not compromise on its sovereignty and must secure its sensitive assets and US should be asked to immediately vacate the premises.

1 comment:

  1. Great article i love the site mine is
