Saturday, February 13, 2010

Indian Operations to destabilize Pakistan

Indian Operations to destabilize Pakistan

Foreign Intelligence Unit (13)
Operations Desk
CIT – “X” Operations
Though the peace offensive (confidence building measures) through the Composite Dialogue process continues, RAW continues to actively engage in its power play to rock the boat and encircle the enemy. Method of two-prong attack—“Peace through dialogue and war through RAW”— is running superbly.

Tactics of the dragon policy.

Pakistani Intelligence agencies are employing Hindus and even Muslims as militants who cross into India.

In retaliation to the unending terrorist pursuits of Pakistan; RAW and MOSSAD had conceived the summer offensive a year ago. Modus operandi has been successful – brief on operational tactics follows:

Intelligence has successfully taped known international drug and mafia dons against Pakistan. CIT ‘X’ and some international crooks with people of Indian origin pay Pakistan in the same coin. CIT ‘X’ is effectively training agents for covert operations in Pakistan. Under the Vajpayee government, the CIT ‘X’ and other sensitive organizations were authorized to strengthen contacts with ‘sleeping agents’, and recruit new front men to carry out covert operations in Pakistan.

We have also engaged all possible international criminals and mercenaries, including Afgans for covert purposes during LK Advani’s tenure in the Home Ministry. Just before the Indian parliamentary elections, officials have met the international criminal council “somewhere” in South East Asia and assured Indian Government’s continued support. CIT ‘X’ is actively involved in drug trafficking to finance its covert operations.

Illegal poppy is being cultivated in bulk in Himachal Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Mizoram and Uttar Pradesh. Dharamshala as a result has become one of the most infamous centers of drugs in Himachal Pradesh. Drug barons have close links with their Afghan counterparts and completely controlled and continuously monitored by various intelligence agencies. According to current statistics, 25 per cent of Indian poppy is being diverted into illegal markets worldwide. The booming poppy crop in Himachal Pradesh and Northeast region has led to deployment of local refining laboratories to make heroin. India today stands as the fifth largest country in the world in the production of illicit opium. Laos is 4th with 20 metric tons and has direct tie up with RAW and internal drug barons. Some people of Indian origin living in Surinam and Holland have been engaged to facilitate Indian agencies in drug trafficking. Under the benign patronage of CIT ‘X’, the ‘business’ of drug trafficking is flourishing, and the money earned is accounted for and is being directed towards covert activities in Pakistan.

The summer offensive includes establishment of 57 training camps in Occupied Kashmir, East Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Assam to train and launch terrorists inside Pakistan. Trainees are generally drawn from the Indian hatched dissident groups of Mohajir Qaumi Movement (MQM), Jiye Sindh Mohaz (JSM), Jiye Sindh Students Federation (JSF) and Balochi nationalists and other nationalist groups from various parts of Sindh, Balochistan and Tribal Areas.

Offensive under Diplomatic Cover.The MOSSAD hand

Most of the Indian Embassies/Consulates around the world are being used as dens for hatching RAW plots. The set-ups are grouped together on regional basis under one head, known as the RAW center. This includes the espionage efforts as well as the subversion, sabotage and terrorism oriented operations. For Pakistan RAW centers at London, Dubai, Iran, and South Africa operate against Pakistan jointly with Israeli MOSSAD. However, for its summer offensive, RAW, in a joint effort with MOSSAD has laid out a whole network around Pakistan, to ensnare it in a trap and tighten the noose around it through destabilization.

India has opened Consulates (IOC’s) in Kandahar, Jalalabad, Mazar-e-Sharif and Herat, besides having an oversized diplomatic mission in Kabul.

Kandahar and Jalalabad are near the borders of Pakistan, which insinuates many things. The ongoing Wana operation is being fed cash, weapons and ammunition indirectly by RAW operatives under cover of Al-Qaeda. MOSSAD and AMMAN have also contributed heavily towards the funding and material requirements for these operations. The direct result of this was the effective slaying of 121 Pakistani regular infantry soldiers on Nov 8th’2004, just 3 days after the infusion of war material and assistance in logistics and planning operations of the tribals by operatives of RAW.

Ministry of Information and Security (MOIS). The IRANI involvement:

Iran, having contiguous borders with Pakistan, is a hotbed of intrigues and constant source of support and inspiration to RAW functionaries. The Indian Embassy at Tehran and Consulates in Zahidan, Mashhad and Bandar Abbas are actively engaged in establishing links with disgruntled elements of Balochistan and Sindh for destabilizing these provinces. Iran also serves as a base for fomenting sectarian trouble in Pakistan. Irani intelligence has been providing reliable information and support to RAW operations by using disgruntled Shia elements in Pakistan.

This intelligence model is a improvement on the practices of MOSSAD, which has infiltrated several Jewish agents into the occupied territory of Palestine as Muslims. These agents practice Islam like any ordinary Muslim. They say prayers in mosques, observe fast during Ramadan, and mingle into local Muslim population just to wait for the appropriate time to strike. During the armed struggle in former East Pakistan, Indian army regulars, after they were physically made to look like Muslims and taught Bangla, were pushed into East Pakistan to fight as Mukti Bahini against the Pakistan Army.”

The summer offensive of RAW includes working on ethnic, regional, parochial and secular themes, which include Sindhu Desh Movement in Sindh, Saraiki Movement in Punjab, Tribal Balochis in the name of Greater Balochistan and taking advantage of Northern Alliance Government in Afghanistan and using its tentacles at Kabul, Jalalabad, Khost, Kandahar and Spin Boldak, the tribals in Waziristan and Balochistan are continuously being kept activated for fomenting trouble – while Taliban and Al-Qaeda are getting the blame and Pakistan gets the rap for “not doing enough” by US and “FRIENDLY” Afghan authorities.

After the Indian consulate in Karachi was wound up. RAW started maintaining contacts in their sources/links in Pakistan through their consulates at Zahidan and Dubai. Most of the staff at Indian Consulate in Zahidan is from intelligence/security organisations including RAW, Intelligence Bureau and Military Intelligence. The sizeable cover staff in their Embassy at Dubai under the pretence of tourist traffic. The set-ups are dedicated units mainly responsible for promoting ethnic unrest in Pakistan. They continue to provide financial and material support to various regionalist/sectarian parties in Sindh and Balochistan

UAE Angle:

UAE is being used as a launching pad for terrorist activities in Pakistan. Agents are getting hold of young, disgruntled elements and after carrying out their proper brainwashing, they are dispatched to Dubai. Indian Consulate in Dubai is issuing temporary passport to these activists for getting training/briefing. After completion of their formal training, they are launched into Pakistan to carry out their terrorist/sabotage activities.

To cripple the economy of Pakistan, RAW has taken it upon itself the responsibility of pumping fake currency into Pakistan through various illegal means. RAW and various Indian and Foreign Intelligence Agencies have also been patronizing various local dissident groups in Pakistan. As mentioned, the prominent ones are – Sindhi Desh Movement in Sindh, Saraiki Movement in Punjab and tribal Balochis in the name of Greater Balochistan.

To fan flames of Sindhi Desh Movement, subversive literature, published from Bombay and Jammu eg, Sindh Sujag, Sindh Rises; Sindh Parcham, Sangat and lot of other subversive material is being pumped into Sindh clandestinely. With regard to support for the Saraiki Movement, it is worth mentioning that we are morally and materially supporting the Saraiki Movement in southern Punjab. Regional Political Parties like Saraiki Suba Mahaz, Pakistan Saraiki Party and Saraiki Sahilya Sangam are being effectively sponsored. Their operators in southern Punjab are being supported by accepting Saraiki as the second state language in Indian-held Punjab. All India Radio/TV are regularly broadcasting various Saraiki programmes. Subversive literature in huge quantity is being published on the subject.

The success of RAW/MOSSAD/MOIS activities is reflected in the fact that a section of respected and influential intellectuals have started voicing for the cause of Punjab/Punjabis from the platform of World Punjabi Congress. This has effectively started the trend of widening the gulf of misunderstanding among various provinces of Pakistan.

RAW is also involved in sponsoring Balwaristan Movement. It is being organised under Abdul Hamid, self-styled chairman of his own faction of Balwaristan National Front (BNF) based in Delhi. The Front is working for the independence of Northern Areas. It has been inculcating into Pakistan and highly subversive material from abroad.


Pakistan has been effectively engaged in for a long hot summer as the summer offensive continues. Despite fencing the LoC with a highly sophisticated system of monitors and sensors, and reducing infiltration to 92%, India on the diplomatic front must continue to persist in blaming Pakistan for “cross-border terrorism” and “infiltrating militants” while it foments trouble deep inside Pakistani economic and military centers. It should be noted that the problems created by Pakistan in the state of Jammu and Kashmir tend to hurt Pakistan more on the economic, military and diplomatic front.

The key to lasting peace is not merely on the diplomatic approach but by making genuine efforts to encircle and balkanize the Pakistani economic and military establishment, thereby giving India the command and control of influencing Pakistani and as an extension Chinese foreign policy.

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