Saturday, February 27, 2010

Irresponsible Countries Endangering Global Peace

Irresponsible Countries Endangering Global Peace
Zaheerul Hassan

End of 20th and start of 21st centuries brought rapid changes in the world politics and economy. Apart from positive development for mankind, the violence, conflicts, wars and state terrorism have occupied most of the period of these centuries. According to the carefully prepared reports more than 41 millions people have been died as result of terrorism, clashes and confrontations among the countries and tribes. The root causes of these altercations and conflicts turn around terrorism, social injustice, poverty, depleting economy, energy crises, power grabbing, religious extremism, desire of expansionism and arms race between regional and global powers. However, major conflicts and clashes occurred in Asian and African regions only. Israel and India are only those two countries, which could be seen as wrongdoer in every crisis, off course being supported overtly by US. Thus, it would not be wrong if I say that world peace is at stake just because of irresponsible attitude of two American watchdogs India and Israel. These countries have taken the world as their killing grounds. Their Intelligence agencies are busy in targeting leadership, killing innocent people, storming terrorism, crushing minorities and creating political instability in neighbouring countries.

According to a research report "Death in Wars and Conflicts in the 20th Century prepared by Milton Leiten Berg, out of 41 millions people 15.5 were Muslims. In this connection, the organization likes Black Water and "Triple III Agency (Israel-India Intelligence Agency) "on the direction of their mother agencies (RAW. Mossad and CIA) do carry out sabotage activities and implement upon their covert agenda of eliminating Muslim community. The main causes of death of Muslims community were state terrorism of India and Israel. Both these countries do carry out joint operations in against Muslims and other minor communities too.

The real co-partner of New Delhi is Tel Aviv. Her naked brutal actions like phosphorus bombing on innocents' children, women, young and old Gazans are unforgettable. The Palestine problem has yet to be resolved because of unethical US support to Israel. Intelligence agency of Israel is following the Palestinian leadership all over the world. In this connection she is being openly supported by RAW and CIA. Mossad has also connections with MI 6, CIA & RAW. Dubai is almost remained occupied by RAW's agents. Triple III (Israel-India Intelligence Agency) agency has facilitated Mossad in provision of weapons and other equipments to Mossad's agents in Dubai. The murder of Hamas Guerrilla Mahmoud al-Mabhouh has also been carried out by Mossad. The use of British passport does reflects that MI-6 is not involved in it. I think it's only RAW which provided them physical assistance in assassination of Hamas Mahmoud al-Mabhouh.

Both Israeli and Indian joint ventures are real threat to the global peace. Mascaras of Gujarat (crushing Muslims), raping women and killing of Kashmiris, murdering Sikhs in 1984, blasting Samjota Express (train), pitching Bangladeshi civil armed forces against regular army, grabbing water resources, launching Dalai Lama against china, supporting LTTE in Sri Lanka, smashing Maoists and Tamils are glaring examples of Indian intrigues against minorities and neighbours.

Again, proliferation of Indian enriched Uranium, abduction and murdering of her nuclear staffs, bogus nuclear capability and undernourished emerging India with defense budget of Rs1.42 trillion are those open secrets which are sufficient to put a big question mark on the credibility of so called incredible India.

She is busy in arms deal with Western countries and America. Rs 548.24 billion have been marked as capital outlay to procure weapons. The rise in the defense spending is a clear depiction of her mindset. In this connection, the statement of deaf Indian Army Chief General Deepak Kapoor regarding fighting against China and Pakistan do confirms her hegemonic regional design. The top political and military brass is hiding real face of the country from the public and portray that India is an emerging global power. To prove it, her country's chief military scientist, V.K. Saraswat recently claimed that India is set to test within a year an Agni – V nuclear-capable missile with a range of more than 5000 Km. But according to the Economic Times report of February 14, 2010 Chinese Rear Admiral Zhang Zhaozhong, a professor at the Chinese National Defense University, negated New Delhi claim and said that she is still 10 to 15 years behind China in terms of missile technology.

Earlier too some time back Mr. P. K. Iyengar, former head of India's main nuclear body, told the BBC that India's nuclear tests were inconclusive and ambiguous and that the 1998 nuclear test was not a deterrent against China, though it was against Pakistan. His comments came in response to atomic scientist K Santhanam, who was associated with India's 1998 nuclear tests, categorically stated that nuclear tests were not as successful as claimed. Meaning, the yield of the thermonuclear explosions was actually much below expectations and the tests were perhaps more a fizzle. Lets for get out for a while from fake Indian claim regarding purchases of armament and nuke and simply imagine the real situation conditions of actual problems of India. According to US based international survey report 2009 and Express India of December 2008 reports , India stands third, leaving behind countries like Sri Lanka, Jordan and Argentina, when it comes to rape cases, latest data of the Union Home Ministry suggest. Ahead of India are only the United States and South Africa. According to the data, 18,359 rape cases were registered in India in the first three quarters of this year while in the US, 93,934 and in South Africa 54,926 rape cases were registered respectively.

The Indian media also reports that thousand of poor formers and soldiers have committed suicides since maximum population is living below poverty line in India , it is notable here that maximum Indian individuals are spending their life with an average of RS.2000/- per month. Any how, we can say that incredible and bleak picture of so called regional power is emerging after reading the reports and knowing the actual facts about Indian economy. I think India should not go for making new deal of purchasing armaments system and nuclear plants without taking preventive measures against future incidents in Bhabha and Kaiga Nuclear Power Plants. She should start taking interests in improving bilateral relations with her neighbours; it is quite encouraging too that indo-Pak sectary level talk has been scheduled on February 25, 2010 in New Delhi. Pakistani Prime minister said that Islamabad would take up all core issues with New Delhi and emphasized on the need for early start to the now-stalled composite dialogue process. But again India is not serious in resolving the core and burning issue like Kashmir, water problem and interference in Balochistan and FATA.

Ambassador Richard Holbrooke, U.S. Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, also visited Pakistan on February 19, 2010. Ambassador Holbrook met with the leadership of Pakistan and also showed his concern over serious water problem of Pakistan. He revealed in the interview on a private TV Channel that India would be asked to water and other regional issue with Pakistan.

It is further added here that Pakistani leadership has successfully came out from political turmoil and deserve congratulation on peacefully resolving pity matters like of court . Now, the government should pay more attentions internally for accomplishing basic needs of the masses and externally determining the cores issues with India. World community should also be approached to pressurize India to solve Pakistan's water problem according to Indus Water Basin Contract. Here, I would also like to claim here that Kashmir and water problems, if left unsolved then nuclear war going to be imminent soon. The western countries and America should ask Israel and India to stop behaving irresponsibly , otherwise there is no doubt in saying that anymore irresponsible action of these countries will push the world into nuke war.

The following is the list of images of the few of the weapons recovered by Pakistan Army from Terrorists, called Taliban. These weapons are manufactured India, Israel and USA.


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