Thursday, May 27, 2010

India s’ Anti Muslim Phobia

India s’ Anti Muslim Phobia
by I.A. Chaudhri
Publication of the news in Times of India, about the detention of Mohammad Umar Madni, having dubious connections with the Lashkar-e-Tayyba (LeT), recovery of fake and foreign currency from his custody and confiscation of a cache of weapon in June 2009 has sent a wave of shock to Muslim community in India. If we look back, Indian media had been crying foul about the activities of Muslims in Assam and Bangladesh, despite the fact that either there were very few Muslims, who had no other business except to crawl for earning their daily bread or save their skin. History of last 62 years have taught them that any attempt to be under political glare will ultimately force them to land in trouble, on one charge or the other. Muslim community in India has been mentally crippled after the tragic episode of Gujarat carnage and they now lack the courage and support to organize themselves or raise their voice, at any national or international forum. In the absence of any, de facto group, Indian media invented few names under fictitious Muslim identity and then started mud-slugging on various fabricated stories. The same practice was once again repeated by alleging the involvement of one Deccan Muslim group in the Mumbai firing, having accepted the responsibility for this inhuman and most barbaric act. Whereas, neither there ever existed any such group nor people ever heard Muslims involved in any such scandalous activity. At the same time, Pakistan Bangladesh and Bhutan continue to face Indian charges about their nexus with ISI. But what is true, the captor or accused Madni is sure to face, usual list of charges viz; his links with the ISI, acting as conduit for sending people for training in Pakistan and running a spy net in India or any other neighboring state like Nepal to justify their position in the eyes of law.

Without any ambiguity, the people also know the out-come of the investigation and sensational disclosures to fill the pages of various newspapers or the venom of propaganda to pollute the minds of half-literate citizens against their so harmless, fragile, docile and hard-pressed Muslim minority – left to lament on their glorious past after the Gujarat genocide. The Police know the art to extract or squeeze the desired forced confession after applying its third degree torture techniques, recovering currency and confiscating weapons. To add more salt, they even will add important telephone numbers of various dubious `Underground Mafia’ to prove his links with the ISI, sending recruited agents for training to Pakistan and conniving in carrying out bomb blasts in various cities of India. This is practice was followed in the past and the same will continue till all times to come, no matter how pious or guilty a person like Madni or anybody else is.

Indian leadership is in the grip of different internal and external looming troubles, such as minorities call to do away with the centuries old stigma of `Touchable and Untouchables’ caste discrimination/racial profiling of the entire society. At the same time the government also seems desperate over the growing influence of Other Backward Castes (OBC) due to growing awareness graph with every passing day. The poor masses have no other pacifying umbrella than the Communists’ platform to concentrate and exert their pressure on the government to distribute the national wealth equitably, as socialist way of government emphasizes. For them Mao, Lenin or Marxists philosophy is the only solution of the problem. Indian government is fully cognizant that such problems could not be solved through the security forces, to exercise effective control over one billion plus population. To divert the domestic attention from the Naxalite and insurgency problems, it has now invented the new recipe to deal with the problem by shifting the blame on ISI’ and implicating the most docile and submissive Muslim population into their vicious cobweb.

According to reports, Mr. Madni had been acting as a conduit for the LeT between Maoists and the ISI of Pakistan, as head of Jharkhand off-shoot. He has also been accused for recruiting and dispatching his men to Pakistan for the purpose of training to carry on their terrorist activities. The report further alleged that these elements established their network in Nepal. The suspects arrested by the government, were reportedly convicted by the Delhi court in 2005. How far charges against the accused are true or false, only joint investigation teams comprising Indian and Pakistan experts can find any reliable answer, as LeT stands banned and there is no such proof of its involvement in any such intelligence related activities. As far as ISI is being blamed, the fact that agency remained in thick soup due to political hotchpotch and suicide bombing in the country, leaving with no other option to set the house in order than to carry out any such sabotage activity across the border.

The story of Naxalite revolves around the landless peasants, laborers and other down trodden oppressed classes against the upper class landlords and industrialists to over-throw the existing capitalistic way of government in India. The ongoing battle owes its origin to the centuries old contempt against the bourgeois who had been maltreating its deprived classes such as Dalits, Adivasis, Santhals and hundreds of other scheduled castes, who roughly constitute 80 percent of the total population. The victims of high caste landlords, money-lenders, industrialists, bureaucrats and politicians have now united themselves under the Naxalite banner. The friction between Naxalites and the ruling elites, despite all containment strategies and gigantic security infrastructure has now gained a foothold in 155 districts of more than 17 states commonly known as `Central Compact Red Zone’.

India first invented a new readymade solution of the problem, which they had earlier applied in the Northeast by pitting one tribe against the other. In the mainland, these privileged upper class raised their independent armies under different names such as Kisan Sangh, Kisan Morcha, Ganga Sena, Sunlight Sena, Bramharshi Sena, Bhumi Sena in almost all the districts to act as shield and fight against the militant Naxalites. When this strategy also failed, these landlords, politicians and industrialists connived to fight against these revolutionaries by raising a new force `Salva Judum (SJ) meaning ‘Peace Hunt’. Again the Salwa Judum also failed and the government was left with no other option except to shift the people to the refugee camps – in other words government’s utter failure to curb the Naxalite’s growing strength, with every passing day.

To save their skin, the Indian leaders are busy making all out efforts to link the Naxalite issue with the Muslim support and build the nexus with ISI to divert the public attention, but such a myth would be difficult to prove. By all standards, peace in India will remain an illusive chase and will continue to haunt New Delhi like a nightmare. It is also significant to mention that India is a home of more than 1028 million people living in 28 states, where more than 16 major languages and 1652 dialects are spoken by hundreds of ethnic groups and religious minorities with no economic, social and political prospects. Since poverty is the most ferocious teacher, these poor peasants, labors, low paid employees and other segments of society are left with no other option except to target the high caste affluent Brahmans who are sitting on the Indian treasury as pythons. This war of survival between the `Haves and Have-not’ is not going to settle with the empty flying words.

To play their part, as representatives, there are hundreds of political parties, both central and regional, representing different mosaic of socio-religious fabric. Indian Brahman leadership is trying to crush the cultural and spiritual renaissance to keep her over-whelming hold on the poor hapless people (mostly Untouchables) with the help of draconian laws. The purpose behind all such illegal detentions is nothing but to keep a constant flow of disinformation against the Muslim community to stigmatize and demonize their image at domestic and international level and inject fear into the minds of the young generation to make their life more miserable.

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