Friday, October 16, 2009

Beware of Indian Intrigue

(Dr. M. Anwar)

India is full of diverse communities and ethnic divides with intricate social order and political structure. The life style in India is subjectively conservative and socially deceptive. When an Indian passes a smile on a neighbor it may not necessarily carry a positive message, as behind their smiles Indians maintain a different face which is full of jealousies, prejudices and an inbuilt hatred for the fellow human beings. The sense of negative competition which is an essential part of Indian socialization process leads them to treat their neighbors as their potential opponents and possible adversaries. Indian caste system is not only strong in its fundamental values but also overwhelmingly deceptive in nature. The society is built around a structure which proactively advocates deceit, cheating and trickery. The social system encourages and helps promotion of intriguing acts and the environment of exploitation. The poor and low caste communities including sub-caste stumpy Hindus are treated with contempt and disdain.
The political elite totally disregards human dignity, honor and respect and focuses on self advancement at any cost. They cannot be different while dealing with other neighboring states like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Maldives. Indian political leadership is cleverly mischievous and dangerously greedy to handle matters of mutual co-existence, peace and tranquility. They tend to create a mountain out of a mole to score political points and coerce the leaders of their neighboring states especially Pakistan. They do not understand that Pakistan is an atomic power and her leaders are to be treated with respect and formality. The flawed political socialization and somewhat voracious background forces them to draw schemes and use oblique angle treatment to every initiative undertaken by Pakistani leadership to restore the peace process. Indian leadership has to realize that resumption of inter-state dialogue between India and Pakistan will be in the interest of both of these states.
The South Asian region is already under a grave threat of terrorism and extremism having linkages with unresolved core issues like Kashmir, Sir Creek, Water and others. Indian schemers have intentionally conducted external maneuvers by developing lobbies and nexus with certain anti Pakistan forces like Israel and likeminded think tanks of Western World/USA to build their case based on single agenda of Mumbai terror attacks and telling Pakistan to not only do more to eliminate the terrorism from her soil but also exclude the Kashmir and Sir Creek issues from the peace process. Pakistani leadership must stand up and tell the Indians in clear terms that peace in the region is not possible without the resolution of Kashmir issue. In this regard no Indian scheme/manipulation to delay or dodge the real issues will succeed. Pakistan is a responsible nuclear state and therefore desires the Indian leadership to resolve all the core issues including the Kashmir dispute with a serious sense of purpose.
On the other hand US interests in the region especially in Afghanistan entail creation of permanent peace in the region. Pakistan is committed to fight the terrorists in the west-frontier region. India must also respond positively to resolve the Kashmir issue and facilitate creation of peace in the region. In this regard US pressure on India is the only factor which can convince the Indians to come to the terms.
Media hopes are high as the Indo-Pakistan premiers meet at Sharm-ul-Sheikh in Egypt on the side lines of NAM summit. The opinion makers, however, are likely to be taken by surprise as Indian spin masters are capable of tactfully averting any difficult situation and passing the buck to their opponent. The US policy makers must also realize the Indian intrigue and exert more pressure to force India to undertake meaningful initiative to resume the peace process with Pakistan and resolve all issues including Kashmir with Pakistan. The world anxiously watches and expects meaningful outcome of meeting between the Prime Ministers of India and Pakistan.

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