Sunday, April 18, 2010

Balochistan complexities

Balochistan complexities
Mohammad Jamil

In Balochistan disgruntled elements who were rejected in February 18 elections by the people have opted to seek help from the enemies of Pakistan to be at the helm instead of elected representatives of the people. Sardar Ataullah Mengal and Akhtar Mengal have never hidden their base desires, while Marri scions are clandestinely working against the federation of Pakistan. Khan of Qalat’s scions have no place in Balochistan’s politics, and the announcement by Mir Suleiman Dawood with regard to formation of Council for Independent Balochistan on 11th August 2009 in London is an exercise in futility to recoup the lost position in Balochistan politics. Talking to newsmen on phone, he had said that without interference of UN and European Union, reconciliation with Pakistan was impossible. On 12th August, Suleiman Dawood congratulated Baloch people for observing Balochistan’s Independence Day adding that it would be a milestone in movement for independence of Balochistan.

On the other hand on 11th August Mir Umer Khan younger brother of Suleiman Dawood had a different version of Balochistan’s merger with Pakistan. He rejected the theory that Balochistan was merged with Pakistan under duress and told the anchorperson of the local TV channel that his grandfather Khan of Qalat Ahmed Yar Khan was initially not inclined to join Pakistan but he had a dream in which he was exhorted by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to merge with Pakistan because it has been created for the Muslims in the name of Islam. He had also repeated same version on another TV channel on Wednesday, and there is no reason to disbelieve him because he would not concoct the story involving last Prophet (PBUH). One cannot say whether his statement would impress Baloch nationalists and make them change their minds and wean them away from the self-destructive course.

Last month, addressing a public meeting at Ayub Stadium, Balochistan National Party-M chief Sardar Akhtar Mengal said there would be no compromise on the national rights of Baloch people who were determined to defeat the elements who had usurped the coast and resources of the province. The public meeting adopted a resolution urging the United Nations to intervene to stop the killing of Baloch people in military operations, detaining of political activists and plunder of Balochistan’s resources. In another resolution, the BNP vowed to effectively use whatever means it deemed fit to achieve the right to self-determination, including creation of ‘a national state for the Baloch people’. Another resolution rejected the Gwadar project, as it will destroy the traditional economy of native fishermen and displace the Baloch population. It said the oil terminal and oil city would pollute the Gulf of Baloch. But who is behind this grand plan? RAW is involved in creating unrest in Balochistan, and international think tanks and opinion makers agree that Indians are brainwashing Balochis against Pakistan.

Reports abound that India is not only training Baitullah Mehsud thugs but also providing them funds to launch terrorist attacks against sensitive targets in Pakistan. According to Janes Information Group and other investigating reporters, RAW and Mossad are cooperating to infiltrate Pakistan to target important religious and military personalities, journalists, judges, lawyers and bureaucrats. RAW has trained militants of FATA and also equipped them with weapons, as a number of weapons manufactured in India have been recovered from the militants.

Terrorist arrested in Lahore also confessed to be working for the RAW in smuggling Pakistani weapons to India so that it can tell the international community that Pakistan is a state that sponsors terrorism. It is unfortunate that Pakistan has not been able to highlight that India is sponsoring terrorism and at the same time raises hullabaloo that India is the victim of terrorism.

In Balochistan, centrifugal forces aided by the RAW are stepping up their operations, but our leaders are only interested in booking Musharraf under article 6 of the Constitution. They want to charge him also for the murder of Akbar Bugti and also for other minor offenses though many of his acts were taken as head of the state for which he had indemnity. It is true that people of Balochistan have some genuine grievances but there are elements who do not wish that their grievances are addressed as they have their own pernicious agenda. Views of Mengal, Marri and Bugti clans are not hidden from anybody and yet instead of strengthening the people of Balochistan efforts are made to further strengthen sardars, who stand to gain during peace times enjoying all benefits as coalition partners with the central government. And when they rebel against the central government, they get funds from enemies of Pakistan whereby people in general again suffer because of military operation.

For some time, there have been targeted killings of Punjabi settlers in Balochistan. Ethnic and Shia-Sunni fracas have shaken the erstwhile ethnic and sectarian harmony, as criminal gangs are stoking ethnic and sectarian divisions. During the last two months three principals of Balochistan Residential College at Khuzdar, Government Commerce College Quetta and Government Pilot Secondary School Mastung (all Punjabis) have been killed. A teacher belonging to Dera Ghazi Khan was also reported to have been killed and many had sought transfers to other provinces failing which they decided to leave Balochistan in any case. According to a recent report published in English daily, Pashtun political parties have vocally opposed the target killings in Quetta and demanded of the Baloch nationalists to openly condemn these killings and disassociate themselves with the elements responsible for such heinous crimes. But civil society has remained almost a silent spectator which is regrettable.

A senior professor of Balochistan University has reportedly said: “If Punjabi professors and professionals are not protected and compelled to leave Balochistan, many key institutions in the province will remain shut or at least dysfunctional.” Balochistan has seen many an insurgency or rebellion in the past, and once again it is in the throes of violence since the murder of three Baloch nationalist leaders – Ghulam Muhammad Baloch, Sher Muhammad Baloch and Lala Munir. Though Baloch leaders including Ghulam Muhammad had claimed that they were members of ‘Baloch Dost Committee’ formed for the recovery of missing Baloch men and women and played a vital role in the release of UNCHR official John Solecki, yet other reports suggested that Ghulam Mohammad Baloch negotiated the deal but release of the UN official came after paying a huge ransom directly by the US. There is a perception that after the murder of Akbar Bugti, Baloch people have lost confidence in the federation.

In 1947, Mir Ghaus Baksh Bizanjo had said: “It is not necessary that by virtue of our being Muslims we should lose our freedom. If the mere fact that we are Muslims requires us to join Pakistan, then Afghanistan and Iran should also amalgamate with Pakistan.” But later he joined the mainstream politics and was the first governor of Balochistan after it was given provincial status after One Unit of the then West Pakistan was done away with. Having all said, the government should take measures to ensure that provisions with regard to provincial autonomy enshrined in the Constitution are implemented in letter and spirit. However, it cannot afford to turn a blind eye to the threats from the rebels and will have to take them head on if they do not wean away from their secessionist activities. Of course, the situation is very much complicated in Balochistan because of its geopolitical location, but the ruling and the opposition parties must show unity as they did in case of FATA then only arrogant sardars would sit across the table and negotiate.

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