Thursday, April 22, 2010

ISI, The Defender of Pakistan's Political System and National Values

Pakistani Academic: 'There Should Be No Doubt That The ISI is a Defender of the Country's Political System and National Values'

The Directorate General of Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) is Pakistan's military-led intelligence agency. In recent years, its role has been internationally scrutinized, especially for its links with Pakistan-based militant organizations.

In July 2008, a notification issued by the civilian government of Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani placing the ISI under civilian control was rebuffed within six hours. A report in the Lahore-based Daily Times noted: "The military leadership stood up and managed to reverse the government's decision soon after the notification was issued." [1]

Amid continuing concerns of ISI's reported links with jihadist groups in Pakistan and Afghanistan, Prime Minister Gilani noted in April this year: "There is no confusion at all. Our army and ISI are truly professional, sincere, and pro-democracy. The two institutions are working in the ambit of constitution." [2]

In a recent article, Pakistani academic Dr. A. Z. Hilali, a professor of Political Science and International Relations at the University of Peshawar, underlined the importance of the ISI's role in securing Pakistan's national interests. Following are some excerpts from the article, entitled "ISI - The National Asset:" [3]

"New Delhi Spares No Chance to Exploit Domestic Incidents to Gain Global Sympathies in a Manner Calculated to Drive Pakistan to the Brink of International Isolation"

"The end of the Cold War and the incident of 9/11 have left a dangerous, complex and multi-dimensional security environment for Pakistan. In the changing critical circumstances, the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) restructures country's security strategy and inevitably adopts competitive and cooperative strategy to protect Pakistan's national security and strategic assets. The agency is involved in a state of... permanent medium alert to detect and prevent possible terrorist and conventional attacks on the [Pakistani] soil...."

"It is also an undeniable fact that after the destruction of twin towers (New York), the U.S. was hostile and the Indian attitude was also unpleasant in the heat of the moment. New Delhi spares no chance to exploit domestic incidents to gain global sympathies in a manner calculated to drive Pakistan to the brink of international isolation. In the situation, it becomes evident that India and its strategic allies U.S. and Afghanistan are potential threats to the security of Pakistan which have successfully been tracked by the ISI because the danger is not remote or abstract; and it is the agency's visceral and a theoretical understanding about strategic ends and tactical means of enemy actions [that are important].

"In modern warfare, covert and overt war is still considered a war, and covert warriors can make logical military choices. India traditionally has a habit of expanding its influence with whatever means are most convenient. It also appears that war is functionally a tool to blackmail others and in this context covert action and warfare march to the same tune..."

"The ISI is a Strong Instrument in The Presence of a Vulnerable Political System, Corrupt Politicians, and Diplomatic Ignorance"

"Media also emerges as a powerful instrument to achieve [Pakistan's] strategic and foreign policy objectives, and in this field perhaps the matter is not so much to blame the ISI as... to diplomats and politicians who failed to defend the country's interests.

"So, the ISI is a strong instrument in the presence of a vulnerable political system, corrupt politicians, and diplomatic ignorance. Let us be direct; if the country's policymakers entail expanding the realm of country's influence and it has to be done covertly, then ultimately no option is left for the ISI [but] to readily opt for a strategy and defend the national interests."

"Pakistan is Facing an International Challenge to its Strategic Assets and Cyber Information"

"In the contemporary time, Pakistan is facing an international challenge to its strategic assets and cyber information. The challenge stems from the strategic competition with India; and competition with New Delhi is an element of regional balance of power structure and also concerns international relationships.

"The question is broader than efforts by traditional adversaries to avail themselves of the latest military technology. Historic and traditional enemies engage in systematic efforts to enhance their military and economic viability at the expense of the weak neighbour....

"In this regard, the elites of Pakistan must send a clear message to both friends and foes that this country does not accept regional and international pressure as far as national legitimate interests are concerned...."

Pakistan "Should Not be Impressed by the Negative Indian and Western Propaganda against the ISI"

"Strategic assets [such as ISI] are an integral part of virtually every sector of country's security and economy. These are important to maintain the regional competitiveness and balance. Moreover, the strategic espionage and its secret theft can threaten national security and territorial integrity of Pakistan.

"The nation should not be impressed by the negative Indian and Western propaganda against the ISI, because they want to destabilize Pakistan by their nefarious designs; [the ISI] is the only agency which is unequivocally committed to defend the case of the country and is conducting its activities in accordance with the law of the land and with due regard for the rights of nation.

"Some sections of people sarcastically proposed that the ISI matter should be open to public, exposing the national secrets which can only help enemies rather than the people. So, the policy of ISI must be confidential, whether or not confidentiality has explicitly been pledged and for this purpose there can be absolute safeguard to the breaches of confidentiality. This is the reason for which intelligence agencies normally do not, and should not, publicly reveal sensitive details about their operations.

"For this reason, signals intelligence or state secret activities may not be known or understood by the public at large. Their limits are well known to every person and the ISI cannot be a matter of public debate as much as some of them would wish. In general, it is the overall responsibility and duty of the country's executive authorities, security establishment, policymakers and the Director of Intelligence for establishing requirements and priorities for the collection of intelligence vital to national security..."

"ISI Does Not Desire to Lose the Confidence of the People - Because It knows That No War Can be Won Without the People's Support and Backing "

"So, it is the business of the agency [ISI] to gather information vital to the national security and foreign policy of the country; and other departments and agencies in the country have the responsibility to assist the agency.

"There have recently been allegations that the ISI has improperly handled the people, which is totally untrue and fabricated stories. However, there is a rigorous regime of checks and balances which the ISI scrupulously adheres to whenever the conversations of people are involved against the country's integrity directly or indirectly. Moreover, the ISI never disturbs any persons unless they are agents of enemy or a foreign power, as that term is defined in law. This is a very serious allegation and it is the standard practice of RAW, CIA and KHAD [of Afghanistan] and some other countries to use their intelligence services to conduct strategic espionage, but that is not the policy or practice of the ISI norms and ethics.

"The... ISI does not desire to lose the confidence of the people because it knows that no war can be won without the support and backing of people. It is undeniable reality that the ISI is one of the pillars of Pakistan intelligence...."

The "ISI is Very Much Responsible to Protect National Citizens and the Country's Security"

"The ISI is doing critical duty to monitoring terrorist activities, arms control compliance, narcotics trafficking... So, the agency could not monitor local conflicts and people's activities until it will affect national interests and strategic capabilities.

"No one should have any doubt that the ISI is very much responsible to protect national citizens and country's security rather than to destabilize public life. But in special circumstances, the agency has the right under the law to act against individuals and companies, who engage in activities on behalf of enemies, terrorist groups, and others working against the country and are of great concern..."

"On many occasions, the ISI helped to protect national interests and strategic assets. It is just not only in the business of agency to keep eyes open on the enemy activities, but it is also responsibility on behalf of country's vanguard to provide fair and clean information.

"The nation should be assured... that the ISI is a purposeful and meaningful agency and is doing its legal, ethical and professional responsibility. There can be no doubt about its activities and certainly its business is vital to the country's national security interests. People must be assured that as a professional organization the ISI is constantly dealing with information that must remain confidential and it will continue to collect information on various subjects that are of vital interest to the nation.

"Intelligence functions are of necessity conducted in secret and the people must be confident that the ISI will not abuse power. The current situation serves as an inevitable matter and must be ensured that the imperatives of national security are balanced with national values."

"There Should Be No Doubt That the ISI is a Defender of the Country's Political System and National Values"

"Finally, the ISI is staffed with hard-working people of talent and dedication and can still do competent assignment. It is interesting to note that people will never know the full story of ISI's courage and for the sake of national interest, people should stop criticizing the agency, because they don't know what it really does.

"This, of course, is the heart of national security and it should be above criticism. The details of specific operations are quite clear to every person and have a remarkably accurate and consistent picture which can be verified from countless different directions.

"There should be no doubt that the ISI is a defender of the country's political system and national values, and Pakistan's interests will never come at the expense of people's rights."

[1] Daily Times, Pakistan, July 28, 2008.
[2] Daily Times, Pakistan, April 1, 2009.
[3] The Frontier Post, Pakistan, July 27, 2009. The article has been lightly edited for clarity.

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