Saturday, April 10, 2010

Incredible or Irresponsible India

Incredible or Irresponsible India
Dr. M Anwar

Secular ethics are qualitative assets of a nation-state which enable the inhabitants to conscientiously attain traits like exuberance, tolerance, virtue, empathy, justice and precision of mind to comprehend the meanings of pluralism while exercising control over negative thoughts and harmful emotions. Indian media and political leadership make tall claims and forceful assertions to project India as a secular state where proverbial maxim “forget and forgive” remains the fundamental teaching and a predominant practice. Indian diplomats and business community while interacting with the foreign counterparts remain submissive and docile showing their well camouflaged and mock posture pretending to be cosmopolitan and open minded.

This is one side of their picture as they do not mean what they say. Unfortunately their subjective posturing and ambiguous pledges are very elusive reflecting Hindu tricks to cheat others and or to take advantage of the situational setting. They keep their real intention well disguised under the cover of a latent scheme (naturally developed in Indian milieu) to determine the real worth and potential of the counterpart. When the opposing side is more influential and powerful, Indians resort to non-violent and passive techniques to record their feelings and protests. Gandhi’s practice in South Africa and later in India during British rule is a point in case. On the other hand when dealing with smaller neighbors India believes in bulldozing her way through irrespective of the legitimacy of her stance. Thus India resorts to double talks and maintains double standards. This is inbuilt in Indian Hindu character and can well be categorized as collective character of Indian nation.

General V. P. Malik, the former Indian Army Chief, while delivering a talk on “India’s Strategic Culture and Security Challenges” at ORF Institute for Security Studies, New Delhi, presented India with its double face. On the one hand he cherished the leadership of Shri Bhimsen Sachar, who imbibed secular ethics from Swami Dayanand’s teachings, disliking double standards and wastage of public money. On the other hand he openly professed a much aggressive role of India in the regional and international arena. He argued that Gandhi adopted a non-violent strategy against British because at that time India did not, and could not possess the force of arms to fight them. In 1947, he allowed Brigadier L. P. Sen to uplift troops to Kashmir to fight the Pakistani raiders, maintaining that violence was better than cowardice. Hence, India reflects a mind set, a philosophy of prejudice and an unending animosity towards Pakistan which was carved out of India against the wishes of Hindu majority. Over sixty years have passed ever since Pakistan was created but India has not forgotten or forgiven Pakistan. India disliked the idea of Pakistan (the two-nation theory) and has not accepted Pakistan as a reality. Surely Indian claims to “forget and forgive” are false.

India has recently undertaken an exhaustive and expensive media campaign to project the country as “Incredible India”. The aim is to show India as a fascinating land with established democracy, refined political institutions and expansive social justice. The purpose of such a media campaign is to attract foreign investors and win over the opinion makers of the world thereby making it possible to explore wider acceptance for Indian pledges without uncovering the real face of Indian hypocrisy. Projection through media is not a bad thing but sending cheating messages to the world for vested interests is not only immoral and wicked but illegal and devious.

Indian democracy is actually a fraud in which “might is right” is the prevalent law while minorities and non Hindu communities are denied their very fundamental rights. Caste system, Hindu extremism, deep prejudices and discriminations based on creed and status, acrimonious political malice, institutional corruption, illegitimate occupation of disputed lands especially Kashmir and Sikkim and related genocide, human rights violations and above all natural and traditional animosity for foreigners and non-Indians with a crude blend of religious hatred, are some of the aspects which represent the real worth of Indian democracy. Hence, it would not be out of sync to conclude that India is more irresponsible than being projected as incredible. The world must objectively see the real functioning of Indian democracy (Hindu chauvinism) and discrimination against DALITS, MALEECHH and other minorities including Muslims and Christians. As an irresponsible state India not only targets its own nationals but also tends to coerce her neighbours besides having general feelings of rancor and resentment for non-Hindus.

Recently India decided to resume peace talks with Pakistan and therefore invited Pakistan to participate in Secretary level talks in India. The Secretary level talks took place but the outcome was discouraging as India showed her double face by maintaining her intransigence to press her irrational demands on terrorism while keeping the core issues of Kashmir and water terrorism out of focus. India once again managed to sabotage the Secretary level talks and failed to create the environment to resume a composite dialogue. Will India realize her unjust and irresponsible stance is a multi million question? India must show magnanimity matching her size.

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